IV// "i know how much it matters to you"

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*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'*'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*

Y/n's PovI get into my car to immediately feel a vibration in my pocket

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Y/n's Pov
I get into my car to immediately feel a vibration in my pocket. Of course it's a text from Ross and he's telling me to come back inside. I reply with a no and he texts "please ;( I'm lonely and I miss you" and of course I gave into this so I didn't even reply and I just get out of my car and go up to his door. Not even knocking, I enter his house. Barely even a second after I enter I feel Ross grab me by the waist and kiss me and I felt myself melt into it. But a voice in the back of my head is telling me this is wrong, telling me to stop, that Ashleigh would be so heartbroken. But the majority of me knows that Ash doesn't have to know.

Ross' Pov
I pull away first and greet her "Hey n/n, welcome back!" She rolls her eyes as she sits on the couch and asks "So what do you want to do while I'm here." I smirk and reply "Well I have a few ideas..." "I'll stop you right there Lynch we are not doing anything until we are in a stable relationship." Damn, this girl is perfect. She has her values right, she's caring, she listens, she's gorgeous, and she brings me donuts! "I'm joking" I reassure her "We can go grab lunch somewhere since it's 11 now, I actually have something important to talk with you about" I really needed to get this off my chest and ask her about this or else I'll have to go through this alone, which I'd rather not. "Sounds great!" she says and goes to grab her keys but I put my hand over her hand and say "Allow me, consider it as a thanks for going" she smiles at me "Well then thank you, kind sir"

We get in her car and the drive is mostly in comfortable silence. About halfway through, she removes one of her hands from her lap and takes a hold of mine. I look over at her while smiling and chuckle. I hope one day I can fall in love with this girl.

At the restaurant

We sit down at a table for two and I get nervous for some reason. Like this isn't a date but I really wish it was. She interrupted my thoughts and said "So what did you need to talk about with me" I told her "Well I remember how you told me about your parents and what you've been through, so I-uh wanted you to..." I froze I shouldn't ask her yet so I made up an excuse to stall "tell me more about yourself!" She raised her eyebrow slightly but then started telling me about her past "Well I was born and raised in Claremont..

" I froze I shouldn't ask her yet so I made up an excuse to stall "tell me more about yourself!" She raised her eyebrow slightly but then started telling me about her past "Well I was born and raised in Claremont

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.. I lived with my mom in a decent sized house.

My mom was a nurse so she worked long hours but we're still as close as can be

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My mom was a nurse so she worked long hours but we're still as close as can be. I never had any siblings either because my mom said she could never love again after my dad left. I met Ashleigh when I was 7, she had just moved in across the street from me. We went to school together and met Sidney and Jack in high school when were 15. We were inseparable but Ashleigh and I were always the closest. Sidney and Jack started dating when we were 16, so they spent lots of time together alone too. The day after my 17th birthday is when everything went south. My mom and I got in a huge fight over some nonsense I can't even remember now. And she kicked me out. So I packed my stuff grabbed Ashleigh and we moved to Los Angeles. And the rest is history, my mom and I made up when I was 20, but she died about 3 months after that, and now I'm 21 and all I've got is myself."

I stared at her in awe for a moment, I didn't know she had to go through all of that. I reassure her "You don't have to go through it alone anymore.." I pause and grab her hand "..you have me now and I don't plan on leaving anytime soon." She gives me a bright smile cause she knows we can't kiss in public, but I want to so bad.

She remembers our conversation from before and asks "So what did you want to ask me?" And suddenly a wave of anxiety comes over me because I'm scared she'll say no since we just started hanging out seriously with each other. "I-I just wanted to know i-if you wanted to go to.." I grab her hands and look in her in her gorgeous e/c eyes that I could stair into for hours and finally spit out what I wanted to say "Can you go with me to my dad's funeral, I know it's too soon I just knew what you've been through and how comforting and caring you are and my mom already wanted me to date you inst-" she cuts me off by putting a finger to lips "Of course I will Ross, your family is great, Rydel and I text almost everyday, plus I know how much it matters to you" I cover our faces with a menu and give her a quick peck to show how thankful I am "Thank you so much, y/n"

We get back in the car and she drops me off and heads home. I start to reminisce at the wonderful we day we had together. But I am interrupted by a notification on my phone. It's about Ashleigh's new post. I should really shut those off. I decide to take a look and also unfollow her since she must've already unfollowed me.

(tagged: @y/u/n)250,090 likesashleighp: just you and me baby girl, no one else💞View all 956 commentsy/u/n: amen love 🙏💖User 1: wait what about ross?-ashleighp: we broke up —User 2: WAIT YALL SEEING THIS IM FREAKING OUTthe comments on this post ...

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(tagged: @y/u/n)
ashleighp: just you and me baby girl, no one else💞
View all 956 comments
y/u/n: amen love 🙏💖
User 1: wait what about ross?
-ashleighp: we broke up
the comments on this post have been limited!

(a/n: hope y'all enjoyed I can't wait to write more!)

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