II//"go ahead and cry little boy"

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Ross' Pov
It's been a week since our date and Ashleigh and I haven't spent a second apart. She's been staying over at my place and it's been really helping me to forget about the 'situation'. But today I have to peel myself out of bed and go to the funeral director and finally face my family to decide the preparations for my fathers ceremony. It's honestly the last place I'd want to be right now but I need to be there to help my family.

I turn over to Ashleigh and lightly shake her "Hey baby, I'm leaving it's 8 already. I'll leave you some breakfast out." And I give her a kiss on the forehead as I get dressed, make some eggs and toast for us, then head out the door.

The only shred of hope that I have is that at least I get to go out tonight.

Y/n's Pov
That terrible sound of the alarm breaks me away from the paradise of sleep as I roll over to shut it off. I look at the clock and see that's it's 10:00 am. I go to Ashleigh's room to see if she's back but then I remember she's been staying over at Ross'. God she's so lucky to have a guy like him. He treats her right even while he's gone and did I mention he's extremely ha- habitual! Yes, very consistent. Us three and a few other of our friends are going out tonight so Ashleigh should be back later. I decide to text her because who doesn't love bullying their best friend?
Hey bitch
Howdy hoe

How art thou with your loving husband

Shut up he left awhile ago but made me breakfast ;)))


Y/n I can't send u nudes anymore

Not what I meant but u didn't say that to


Just teasing teehee be good at the club tonight

I will but here u go

               Since when is Ross gordon Ramsay tf?!

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Since when is Ross gordon Ramsay tf?!

Ikr! Well I'm showering see u l8er 💞

I decide to shower too since who knows what could happen tonight with the men or women (a/n: judgement free zone here).

Timeskip to getting ready for the club

"Ashhhhhh, I don't know what to where" I whine while Ashleigh is rummaging through her closet "Here, I picked you out 3 outfits now choose one and let's get going or we're going to be late" she yells at me while she throws 3 stunning outfits down on my bed "this is why I love you, thank you" I say to her as she walks back to her room "I love you too now chop chop!" I pick one of these options...

"Ashhhhhh, I don't know what to where" I whine while Ashleigh is rummaging through her closet "Here, I picked you out 3 outfits now choose one and let's get going or we're going to be late" she yells at me while she throws 3 stunning outfits down ...

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(a/n: or anything else it doesn't matter)
We get in an Uber and head to the club.

At the club

We arrive and Ashleigh greets Ross with a quick peck and I give him a hug since we've hung out before. I greet everyone else and the party kicks off.

We all start drinking, dancing, and having a good time. But I started to notice something was off with Ross. Everyone else seemed to be having a good time, but he kept looking awfully sad for some reason.

The night started heating up when Ashleigh had one too many to drink. We were sitting at the bar while the rest of our friends were dancing. The bartender comes up to us "Here's a couple of drinks, courtesy to the guys over there" we take them and I turn over to the guys and blow them a kiss because I'm not really gonna get into a bar hook up tonight. But Ashleigh on the other hand, has always been, how do I put this nicely, an attention-lover. She goes over to the guys and starts talking to them and I can hear her laughing really loudly and also slurring really badly, mind you she's pretty much drunk at this point. I don't think any expected this but she starts kissing one of them like making out, saliva everywhere, it was a terrible sight actually. Right as the guy picks her up and takes her to the bathroom, I see Ross leave the club and I follow him.

"Hey, are you okay" I ask as he was leaning against the railing outside the front of the bar looking up at the stars as he runs a hand through his hair. He turns back at me "Oh hey y/n, yeah I'm fine. I-It's just a lot has been on my mind lately." I go up to the railing and lean on it too. I put a hand on his shoulder comfortingly and say "You can tell me, I noticed you looked a little down tonight. And whatever it is I'm sure I could help in some way." He smiles down at me "Thanks y/n it means a lot. I don't know if Ash told you or not but my dad recently died from a heart attack and I saw his body for the first time today" tears started to well up in his eyes as he spilled out everything he was keeping in about today "A-And my siblings and my mom, oh god my mom, had to see it too and it breaks my heart because we will never be able to spend time with him ever again or t-talk to him or see him smile, the realization all hit me that my father was gone for good and we're never gonna get him back. My girlfriend doesn't understand I can't talk to her about these things because I don't want to make her think that she's not a priority for me a-and" at this point he fully broke out into tears and I immediately wrapped him in a tight hug. All he needed was someone to talk to and I would be there for him, I promised myself. I pull away after a minute and look at him in the eyes while he still holds me. "Ross, I know how hard this is, hell my dad wasn't even in my life and I lost my mother last year to a car accident. It's something I don't think anyone should go through or especially someone as kind and selfless as you. And if Ashleigh thinks for a second that she needs to be above your dad as a priority I will seriously slap her." He chuckles and for the first time this night I see him smile. "I want you to know that if you ever need anyone for anything I'm here for you, you can come to me (a/n: I'll stop-)" he replies "Thanks y/n, it means a lot you really are a great friend and just a great person to be around." And I don't know if the alcohol took a hold of us but this next moment no one saw coming. We leaned in closer and closer until our noses brushed against each other and we kissed and it was getting heated as he cupped my face in his hands I had one hand on is chest, the other on the railing. Then we were both shocked to hear the door open up to....

(A/n: hope y'all enjoyed! Sorry for the cliffhanger I promise it's not as bad as you think muah xoxo thanks for reading)

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