VI//"i keep on trying to let you go"

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Buckle up boys, also buy and stream X
Y/n's Pov
~ It's been a week since I've moved in with Ross and it's been pretty calm. Sidney got the rest of my stuff from the house for me cause Ross and I couldn't bare to see Ash. My emotions have been all over the place, one day I'm developing feelings for Ross while we are cuddling on the couch or when my head is in his lap and he plays with my hair while we watch a movie, and the occasional make out session... But then the next day I'm breaking down sobbing realizing everything that happened but Ross has been the best possible support system. He will hold me and tell me comforting thoughts if I start crying. I can't wait to fall in love with this kid. Ross and I aren't dating but we act like a married couple.

I decided to go hang out with Sidney and Jack today and catch up at a cafe to see how they were doing. "Hey guys I missed you!" I told them. "We missed you too!" they replied in unison. We shared a hug then sat down at the table. "So how's life?" I asked since everything seemed pretty normal with them. Sidney giggles and looks over at Jack and says "Oh nothing, except for were engaged now but that's all." I was so shocked these two had been dating since we were teenagers and now they are gonna get married! "Awe I'm so happy for you guys." Jack said "Thanks, so y/n what's going on with you and Ross." I immediately felt a blush rise to my cheeks because it's an awkward topic for me. "Oh uh-nothing! We are just roommates." They give me that look like 'we know you are bullshitting us but we will just drop it' then we continued to catch up on everything else.

While I was driving home I was really anticipating to see Ross for some reason, I don't know he just makes me happy. I pull into the driveway, which his car was already parked in, and head inside. All of the lights were off which was strange because I thought he was home. I walk to the living room and turn on the light and see Ross holding a dozen roses.

Ross' Pov
Yeah, I'm gonna ask her out. I mean she's helped me through my fathers passing and I'm still struggling with that and I've helped her with Ash. I just have the best connection possible with her and I can see myself falling in love. "Y/n L/n, will you do me the pleasure of being my girlfriend." She chuckles at the fact of how outrageously serious I was being and walks up to me and says "Of course I will Mr. Lynch" and takes the flowers and sets them on the table next to her so she could give me a kiss. Her hands find their way to cup my face and mine travel to her waist. I start to walk forward until we hit a wall and she wraps her legs around me. I pull away for a second and smile, "Wow first makeout session with my girlfriend, what a day." She laughs in reply and says "Pretty crazy right." I pick her up and sit down on the couch with her still straddling me so we could talk. "Soooo how was your day?" She asks and gives me the cutest little smile while looking me in the eyes. "It was pretty good, what about you, I heard you got to go see your friends." She days, "Well Sidney and Jack are engaged now so I'm really happy for them and they kept asking me about you." I guess it was a big day for everyone. "Why don't you facetime them so I can say congratulations," She thinks about for a second then says "Ok, be right back!" She pecks my lips before getting off my lap to grab her phone.

Y/n sits down next to me and I put my arm around her and she hands me her phone. It rings for second then I see Sidney sitting in her bed with Jack by her side. "Hello- Oh! Hey ross, where's y/n" She winks to jack and I turn the phone sideways to show the way we are sitting. "She's right here I just wanted to say congratulations on your guys' engagement." Jack replies "Thanks man, what about you and y/n?" He wiggles his eyebrows. Y/n grabs the phone and says "Ok fine we're dating but we've only been together for about 10 minutes so don't be offended." They jump for joy and scream "CONGRATS OH MY THIS SO HUGE" And just as y/n was saying thanks we hear the sound of glass breaking.

Y/n's Pov
I jump back and little and try to grasp on to Ross. "What the hell was that?" I ask him. "I don't know, stay here I'll go check" I turn to Jack and Sidney and say "Got to go guys love you bye!" I hang up then follow closely behind Ross. He turns on our porch light and we see... Ashleigh?!?! I step in front of Ross and say "What the fuck are you doing?" She was destroying my car! "This is payback bitch" she yells as she continues to hit my windshield with a bat. I try to go up to her but Ross holds me back because he doesn't want Ashleigh to hurt me, we both assume she's drunk. "Ashleigh go home, just stay out of our life and we will stay out of yours." Protective Ross is hot. "Our lives what do you mean our lives!!! Are you two a thing?" She drops the bat and steps closer to the house. "So what if we are, now leave before I call the cops." Ross was remaining calm while keeping me close to him with his arm. "Fine go have fun with that disgusting slut anyways." And that's what sent me.

I manage to escape Ross' grip and I punch her in the face. That's when the fight broke out. We were both punching, kicking, pulling hair, and getting hurt. While poor Ross was trying to pull me away from her. He eventually got in between us though and Ashleigh left with a broken nose and hopefully much more.

Ross led me inside and sat me down on one of the kitchen chairs. He knelt down before me and was examining the damage. "Are you okay? Oh my go I hope you didn't break anything, and I forgot about your car, I'll pay for the damages I just want to know you are okay." He was panicking but I reassured him. "I'm just a little in shock and a little sore but I'll be fine and the car is no big deal." He brought his hand up to my face and said "Well you are definitely gonna have a black eye and a few cuts here and there." He caressed my cheek which was a little painful but I didn't mind. "Hey you should've seen her, plus a black eye is pretty hot don't ya think." He laughs and says. "You really do know how to make light out of every situation, come on let's go get cleaned up. He grabbed my hand and helped me up, I definitely twisted my ankle somewhere in all of that. We walk to the bathroom and he lifted me into the counter and began cleaning my face. I did a few sharp inhales when it stung the most but he immediately stopped every time I did to check if I was okay. "Oh no your clothes." His shirt was all ripped and his pants were all dirty and my heart just dropped. "It's not a big deal babe, let's worry about you, okay." I nodded and he finished up cleaning me off. "Ok, all done, I would ice your eye in the morning, ok?" "Ok, thank you." I started to kiss him and tug on his shirt but he pulled away a little bit and said, "Hey aren't you injured." He gave me a smirk. "Just shut up and kiss me." And with that he reconnected our lips and once again his hands were at my waist. I took of his shirt and then wrapped my hands around his neck. He, in return, took my shirt off leaving me in my bra and him shirtless. He pulled away again and I groaned, "Sorry, but maybe we shouldn't do this in the bathroom." I came to my senses finally and said, "Yeah you're right, let's go."

He picked me up and we continued kissing all the way til we got to the bedroom, which wasn't far, and he laid me down on the bed, shut the door, and we had a spectacular night.

(A/n: y'all it's 4 am I need to go to bed, hope you enjoyed!!)
(Also sorry for the half smut I didn't want to spoil in the beginning but there will probably never be full on smut in this boom because I would never be able to write that skks)

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