V// "the shade always comes at the worst time"

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Y/n's Pov
~ "Honey, I'm home!" I shouted as I entered the door and set down my bags. I was actually hoping Ashleigh wouldn't be home yet so I'd have time recollect myself before I face her. But to my demise I hear Ashleigh's voice reply with a tinge of annoyance "In the kitchen." Panic rushes over me as I think of all the worst possible outcomes. I hesitantly walk through our living room and peek my head into the kitchen to see Ashleigh leaned against the counter, mindlessly playing on her phone. "What's up Ash, how was work?" I ask and walk over to her and grab a drink from the fridge next to her. She sets her phone down and her whole demeanor changes from slouched to angry. "Oh work was work, how was it going on a date with my lousy ex boyfriend!" She shows me a picture of Ross and I kissing with the menu on the other side of us. Shit! I'm gonna kill him, of course he forgets about the huge ass window next to us! My heart drops into my stomach and I ditch the drink, I'm going to need something stronger after this. "Ashleigh, I-I can explain.." I try to calm her down before this escalates out of my control. "How long has this been going for?!?!?" I freeze. Should I tell her the truth about the club or should I keep this to myself in hopes of this dying down....

I might as well let it all out. "Uhh we may have kissed at the club a-and another time when I was grabbing your s-stuff, but I swear Ashleigh I never meant to hurt you this whole situation all's tarted because of a stupid drunken mista-" And then I felt it. Ashleigh's hand slapped me straight across the face and damn she's strong. She continued to push me all the way until I hit the wall, meanwhile she was crying but I didn't fight back because this was all my fault.

She stops and steps back off of me. She looks down and says "I want you to move out, I can't even look at you anymore." This is when I lost it.

"Screw that! This is my house too!" I shout at her. "Well there's a cozy house available, it's only a short drive over. And -oh wow- Ross just happens to live there too, you two will enjoy eachother." I grab my stuff from my room and just pack whatever I can. "Oh and if you forget anything I wouldn't send Ross because he'd just make out with me like you two did." she says as she appears at my doorframe. I finished packing so I pushed past her and out the door.

I get into my car and start breaking down crying. What have I done? Of course it starts raining as soon as I leave the house and I kiss goodbye to the life I had lived for 4 years, and the friendship I had for 14. This is all because of some stupid boy she didn't even love. Why does she get to hoe around but as soon as he kisses another girl it's his death sentence?!?!

Without even realizing I wasn't driving yet I hear the familiar sound of my once best friend appearing at the doorstep of my once house. She shouts at me "I TOLD YOU TO GET THE FUCK OUT Y/N" while make angry gestures. So I step out of my car and shout back "HAVE FUN PAYING YOUR BILLS WITHOUT ME BITCH" and give her the middle finger. I got back in my car and started driving to Ross' house.

Realization finally hit me about halfway there and I broke down crying again. Was I really about to lose my best friend? What would my other friends think too? Whose side would they take? I'm beyond terrified.

I pull up to Ross' house and I knock on his door.

Ross' Pov
I heard a knock at my door but I was confused because I wasn't expecting anyone. I peak through the window to see Y/n standing in the rain looking very distressed. I open the door, stumbling because I was opening in too fast. "Y/n what's wrong, what happened?" Instead of replying immediately she hugs me instantly and buries her face in my chest. She looks up at me and says "Ross, she kicked me o-out and I d-don't know what to do." Oh no this must mean she found out about Y/n and I. I can't let this girl stay in her car or wherever, she doesn't have any family left. "You can stay with me."

(A/n: sorry I took so long to update. I had a bit of writer's block and a ton of schoolwork. But school is almost over now so there should be a lot more updates coming soon. Hope you enjoyed!)

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