VIII//"i'd do whatever I could do"

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Enjoy!Ashleigh's Pov (wack ik)I wake up with a pounding headache with an empty bottle in hand

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Ashleigh's Pov (wack ik)
I wake up with a pounding headache with an empty bottle in hand. Somehow I'm on the floor of my kitchen, must've had another spectacular night! I'm really joking, I'm miserable. Every night I go out and drink until I forget everything that happened. I mean I lost my boyfriend and my best friend. And now they're probably living happily ever after! I really expect no sympathy from them I mean I destroyed her fucking car and I had the audacity to mess up what Ross and I had. I don't think I've met a bigger disappointment. I should really quit drinking, it's never done me any favors. I can't blame alcohol fully for my actions either. I mean can I even afford to cover the damages. I start to bawl on my floor for a good minute. I get up and look at myself in the bathroom mirror. My hair's a mess, so is my makeup, and my revealing outfit is practically falling off of my body. I'm gonna do it, I'm quitting drinking. Starting today I'm a new woman. I get in the shower in attempts to wash off my old self, once I'm out I grab my phone and check Instagram. I see a post from Sidney with a caption that says...
"my one & only 🤍💍"
I feel immediate pain in my heart after realizing that's where Ross and I could've gotten. I push my pain aside and comment "Congrats!!💞" and then I refresh the page and it turns out I'm blocked, I have to fix this.

Y/n's Pov
I wake up on Ross' chest on the couch to a knock at the door. I carefully get up, trying not to wake him. I realized I'm only wearing his shirt, so I quickly run and grab a bath robe before grabbing the door. My tired eyes are completely awoken once I see who was at my door, Ashleigh. "What the hell are you doing here?" I ask coldly, making sure my annoyance is apparent in my voice. My makeup from last night has worn off by now so my black eye is very apparent and I can tell by the shock on her face that she sees the damage she left. "Look I-I really don't expect anything from you, I just want to say I'm r-really sorry for your car and your face and disturbing your peace, I am getting help I p-plan on attending rehab soon. Just here, just take this it's $600 if it's not enough for the car give me a call." And with that she walks away before I can respond but I wave to her before she drives away.

I turn around and am shocked to see Ross awake and shirtless before me. He's yawning a stretching while he asks "Who was that?" I walk over to him as I'm fiddling with the money envelope and say "Ash, she brought over the car repair money, I guess she's going to rehab too" I set the money down on our coffee table and he says "She really does need help but I don't think I'll ever be able to forgive her."

Bad thoughts cloud my mind of Ross leaving me for her once she gets better. He notices and asks with concern "Hey babe, what's wrong?" And he grabs me by the waist. "If Ashleigh got better, would you leave me for her?". He ensures "What, of course not, we're perfect for each other and I could never ever let that go, I will fight til the end of my days to keep us together." I smile at him before sealing his promise with a quick yet meaningful kiss. I still get chills when I'm with him I swear. "Let's check on my mom." Ross suggests and I reply with "Oo oo good idea honey I'll go get ready."

Ross' Pov
Gosh she's so cute. We've been dating for a month or so now and I have to resist shouting how much I love her already. To distract myself from that I decide I want to show her off to my mom. I love seeing her impression of Y/n, yet it still breaks my heart how normal my mom has been acting. I head to the bathroom to freshen up a bit and I head to our bedroom to change clothes. Y/n and I cross paths in the hallway so I decide to spin her around and kiss her before letting her into our bathroom.
*after they are done getting ready*
We set up the phone against one of our flower vases while I sit on one of the dining room chairs and Y/n is behind me resting her head on my shoulder and holding my free hand, which the camera can't see. I FaceTime (or skype for my lovely samsung users) my mom and as she picks up we both wave and Y/n says "It's nice to see you again Mrs. Lynch" she smiles and responds "Awe it's good to see you again too dear but it will soon be Mrs. Moore, I'm engaged!" My eyes gawk at the screen, the funeral was yesterday and she's already engaged, I didn't even know she was dating again! I reply artificially "Congraaats! Whooo!" Y/n is hit with shock as well as she replies "Congrats! I'm very happy for you!" Y/n squeezes my hand a little harder to reassure me she's there. My mom says "Thank you guys really and you two are just the cutest together, well almost as cute as me and Eric, but I can't wait to see you two engaged" she ends that comment with a wink and a blush rises to my cheeks from embarrassment. "Mom we've only been dating for a month, give us some time please!" Y/n nods her head in agreement and replies "As much as I can't wait for Ross and I to get engaged I'm perfectly fine with waiting for our perfect time, I wish you and your future husband well Mrs. Lyn- I mean Mrs. Soon-to-be Moore!" We say our goodbyes and I feel myself ready to crack.
A/N: Hey guys sorry for not updating as much as I'd like to, I really only write when I get a good idea for the story. Thank you so much for the recent support! Let me know your thoughts! I'm going to try to fix past spelling mistakes, I'll leave a note at the top of chapter I've fixed, nothing new to the story just spelling!💞

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