III//"it's crazy what you'll do for a friend"

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Y/n's Pov
Your friend Sidney busts through the door and covers her eyes immediately and blurts out "Sorry guys I was just looking for Ashleigh, do either of you happen to know where she is?" And then I recall her flirting with the guy at the bar and disappearing but then I also remember her poor boyfriend so I decide she can own up to her actions "Nope, but let's check inside."

And there she is, the one and only Ashleigh Pope. Lipstick smeared all over her face, hair once perfectly in place now a complete mess, her skin tight dress all crooked, and her heels in her hand. While the man at the bar comes out looking just as disheveled.

"Oh my god guys I can explain." Ashleigh pleads to us but Ross' look turns immediately from worried to angry. "So all the rumors were true, huh? You've been cheating on me countless times and in the moment I need you the most you weren't even there, your best friend was. Hell Ashleigh, she's treated me better than you ever have. You know what we're done, we're over, please just don't talk to me." Ross walls off with his face in his hands while Ashleigh tried to run over to him and grabs his shoulder but he shrugs her off. I grab Ashleigh and take an Uber to get us home.

She was silent the whole ride. Then we hit the house and she sees the portrait of them together in our living room and she bursts out crying. I immediately come to her side and sit her down on the couch consoling her. "Hey it's gonna be alright babe, you'll be better off in the mean time, why don't I get us some ice cream and we can watch all your favorite movies." I say to Ash hoping to cheer her up. "That would be really nice, thank you y/n, I love you, I don't know what I could do without you." We hug and I get us prepared on the couch for movie night.

About half way through Heathers I decide to text Ross.

Hey do you mind if I come over tomorrow and get Ash's stuff.

Yeah, that's fine
Y/n you are such a good friend this world doesn't deserve your kindness

Thank you Ross, now get some rest, night❤️

Goodnight y/n/n (a/n: ur nickname)💞

He really was sweet I wish Ash treated him better. Then I see she's fallen asleep so I turn off the tv and head to bed as well.

In the morning

Ash had left for work and I drove over to a donut place and grabbed a dozen to bring to Ross'.

Ross' Pov
I hear a knock at my door and I get up and answer it. "Good morning!" y/n says and hands me some donuts. "I meant what I said last night that you are too good for this world." I pull her into a quick side hug and lead her to our bedroom where Ashleigh left her stuff.

"So I think that's all of it" I tell y/n as picks up the box I packed and sets it aside. "Thanks Ross but we should talk" Oh god I already knew where this was going.

"Look I'm sorry about the kiss okay it was stupid and-" she shuts me up by putting a finger to my lips "No, Ross the kiss was fine, the problem was that..." I cut her off and say "Oh does Miss y/n have a confession for me" I tease "Shut up 'Mr. Lynch' I'm not gonna tell you now I'm leaving" she gets up and walks toward my front door. As she is about to turn the handle I put my hand over hers and say "Hey that's not fair" she turns around and looks me in the eyes and says "Life isn't fair get used to it" and before she could turn around I grab her by the waist and kiss her as she drapes her arms around my neck. The kiss wasn't long but it meant a lot. "Goodbye Mr. Lynch" she opens the door "Goodbye Ms. L/N" I sigh as I realize the situation I just put myself in. I just kissed my ex's best friend twice. And the second time I wasn't even drunk. All I know is that this will not turn out well.

(A/n: sorry for the shorter chapter this is more of a resolution to the last chapter and a beginning to the next so we shall see yeehaw🤠)

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