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Part 2 of "Christmas Eve"

Thanks Astrisia for the idea!

Coming up soon is a Maul one shot, from a request.

Feel free to request other one shots too! I don't have too many ideas left

Trigger warning!: mentions of infertility

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"Here you go," Hera smiled softly, handing Kanan a steaming mug and sitting next to him, her own mug in her hands, "if there's anything I can make and have it taste good, it's hot coco."

He nodded, "Agreed," he kissed her cheek, "your hot coco is the best."

She chuckled, snuggling close and sipping some of hers,

"The kids had a good Christmas," she smiled softly, "it's been a while since I've seen them so... happy."

"It's been a crazy year," he held her close, "I bet they enjoyed being all together."

Hera nodded, looking down at her ring with a smile on her face,

"I always wondered if we would get married," she pressed a kiss on his neck, "things worked out so well, with us just being together."

"It feels like we've been married a long time," Kanan told her, "but I figured we should make it official, you know?"

She nodded, staring at the ring, still in shock that she was wearing it. Kanan smiled, watching her as she stared in awe. Hera looked to him after a moment, blushing a little,

"I'm still a little shocked," she chuckled, "I never thought..."

He kissed her lovingly, smiling softly once they parted, Hera laughing a little, "You smell like hot coco."

"So do you," he kissed her again quickly, before wrapping his arm around her and leaning back, watching her as she continued to admire the ring, "how's it fit?"

"Perfectly," she replied, "how did you manage to pick it out? And keep it a secret?"

"Well," he chuckled, "I told you the kids and Zeb helped out. Sabine borrowed one of your rings to get the size. Ky and Ezra helped keep you distracted while Zeb and I went to get it."

"You guys did good," she smiled, "I couldn't ask for a better family."

"Same here," he held her a bit closer, "to think we almost didn't take in Sabine way back when."

"It felt right," she closed her eyes, "same as it did with Ezra. And Ky."

"Yeah, it did," he nodded, "I remember how things were before then. How... hard things got for us. The second Sabine came home, it got better."

"After years of trying, and nothing working," she sighed, "I was about to give up on everything," she brushed her hands over Kanan's, "I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for them."

"I know..."

There was a long pause for a moment, neither of them found the right words to say next. Hera yawned, barely keeping her eyes open at this point, as Kanan pressed a kiss on her forehead,

"I love you."

"I love you too..." she smiled softly, pressing one more kiss on his cheek before falling asleep on his chest. Kanan chuckled, carefully putting the hot coco mugs, which were empty at this point, off to the side. He put one arm under Hera's legs, the other on her back, as he gently lifted her up. She was small, easy for him to carry. She smiled in her sleep, as he carried her upstairs and laid her on their bed.

He gently wrapped a blanket around her, rolling his eyes at the toy mouse on his pillow, as he threw it at the door. There was a thump, as Chopper dove onto the toy. He picked it up, carrying it back onto the bed and plopping it back down on Kanan's pillow, before laying against the arch of Hera's back.

Kanan kissed her cheek, quietly opening the door between their room and their daughters' room. Both girls were sound asleep, a dent in the blanket next to Ky, where Chopper was likely sleeping moments ago. Sabine was on the top bunk, snoring softly. Kanan chuckled, moving through their room to the other door, opening it and looking at Ezra as he snored on his own bed. The man couldn't help but think, No wonder the girls close this door.

He chuckled, shutting the door and going back to his and Hera's room, closing the other door to Sabine and Ky's room as well. Hera was still sound asleep, as Kanan opened the front door to their room, going across the hall and and brushing his fingers through Jacen's short hair.

The boy smiled in his sleep, clutching his stuffed animal a little tighter. Kanan kissed his forehead, finally going back to their room and laying down next to Hera.

She opened her eyes slowly, smiling tiredly as she brushed her hands through Chopper's fur,

"Where'd you go..?" She asked softly.

"Just checking on the kids," he smiled, "they're all out cold."

She nodded, kissing Kanan's hand and holding it as she fell back asleep. Kanan smiled, watching her until he too fell asleep.

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Hope you enjoyed! Now, the moment you've all been waiting for:

The story behind Chopper and the ribbon, from part 1:

My mom's cat, Pearl, is chaotic. One day she got into some ribbon, the thin kind you put on presents. (This story has happened twice by the way, she has gotten into ribbon twice.) She managed to eat it, and we didn't know. A day or so later, we notice this tiny little thing hanging out of her ass.

It was ribbon.

Now disclaimer: if you ever notice your fur baby with ribbon sticking out of their ass, CALL YOUR VET. It can be dangerous for them, but sometimes they can pass it normally, which Pearl was fine both times.

And that story inspired Chopper with the ribbon in part one.

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