After Endor

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Ky is my easiest OC to work with because I know her best. I swear I'll write stuff without her soon, including requests! But for now, some angst(?) and Ky!

And mart. Because I love them.


Set right after Endor I guess? Or at the end of it?

I don't know where I'm going with this so we'll see

- - -

Ky let out a battlecry, shoving the staff to her bo-rifle against the stormtrooper's abdomen. The trooper yelled out in pain, then collapsed to the ground, laying still. He was dead. Good.

She put her hand on her side, breathing heavily. It was safe, for now. And hopefully for good, now that Palpatine was dead.

"Ky!" Kallus ran over to her, grabbing her shoulder. She smiled a little,

"I'm good," she chuckled, "don't worry about me."

Kallus looked her over, "Sabine's gonna kill you for opening your wound, again."

"Not if Mart does first..." she threw her rifle over her shoulders, "where's Zeb?"

"Back at the Ghost, protecting your mother and Jacen."

"My mom doesn't need-"

"She was shot," he told her. Ky's eyes widened, as she looked down. Kallus have her shoulder a squeeze, "she's okay. It's not bad, she's conscious and everything."

Ky nodded, "I have to get back to her..." Kallus smiled his best, as they began back to the Ghost.

"We have to be careful," he muttered, "there's a squad of troopers, they've taken out a lot of our scouts."

"If we see them, we take them out."

"No," he shook his head, "it's Inferno Squad. Taking them out is too dangerous."

"Inferno squad?" She rose a brow, "as in Iden Versio, the commander who escaped one of our ships."

Kallus nodded, "Yeah, that's them."

"I was on that ship," Ky sighed, "I should have executed her." Kallus looked up, seeing ships landing and taking off,

"Maybe," he replied, "or maybe not."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Zeb wanted to kill me," Kallus smiled softly, "but look where we are now."

"Iden Versio is different than you. She's commander of a special forces unit. Her father is highly respected. She's loyal."

"You've researched her?"

"I've researched a lot of people," Ky muttered, "sometimes long hyperspace jumps, like the one from Lothal to Yavin, after everything... it's all I can do."

"I understand."

- - -

Hera stood on the ramp of the Ghost, her arm in a makeshift sling and her blaster in her free hand. Relief filled her eyes, as she saw Kallus and Ky in the distance.

Zeb chuckled, seeing Ky pick up her pace and running over to her mother. Kallus walked onto the ramp, pulling his lover into an embrace.

Ky grabbed her mother's good arm, looking at her wound with her eyes wide. Hera smiled softly, "I'm alright."

"You're sure?" She looked up, looking into Hera's green eyes. The twi'lek nodded,

"Yes," she carefully pulled Ky into a hug. Ky winced, but smiled softly. Hera looked her daughter up and down once they parted, "you're hurt.."

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