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InkCupPizzeria here's your Maul one shot!

I've never written with Maul so sorry if this is bad

If Maul had killed Kanan on Malachor...

Set prior to Steps into Shadows
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"Ezra, we got a mission," Sabine opened the door to the boy's cabin, seeing him facing away from her on his bunk. She frowned, "Ezra..?"

"Yeah," the boy mumbled, "I'll be right there."

She nodded a little, leaning against the doorframe,

"Hera's barely said a word since it happened," Sabine sighed, "and Zeb's been... distant."

Ezra sat up, not looking to her as he spoke,

"Yeah," he shrugged, "I'm not surprised."

"What about you?" She asked softly, "how are you... handling things?"

The boy hopped down from his bunk, grabbing the blaster Sabine had given to him,

"Let's just head out," he told her, stopping at the doorway next to her, "I'll be fine."

She nodded, walking with him to the Phantom,

"Well," she replied, "this might make you feel a bit better." She handed him a datapad, smiling her best.

"What is..?" He looked over it, eyes widening, "Maul..."

"Hera gave us permission to go after him," she replied, "she wants justice as much as the rest of us."

"Yeah. But how do we do this?" Ezra sat down, watching Sabine as she got the Phantom ready. She looked back to him,

"I don't know," she sighed, "but... we'll figure it out."

"Maul killed Kanan..." Ezra frowned, "if he... if he could do that, then what chance do we have?"

Sabine opened her mouth to respond, but frowned, unable to find anything to say.

- - -

Hera sat in the cockpit, staring blankly out the window in front of her. Her eyes were red and full of tears, as she tried to focus on her job. Repair the controls. Simple.

Not so simple. Hard, actually. Kanan would usually be sitting right there, chatting with her as she fixed the ship.

But now he wasn't there. And he never would be again.

She didn't notice the beeping on the controls, meaning that the Phantom had taken off.

- - -

"This the place?" Ezra rose a brow, looking at the red, foggy, planet. Sabine nodded,

"Welcome to Dathomir," she landed the ship, standing up and looking around before stepping out, "so... this Maul. How do we defeat him?"

"This was your idea," he replied, "I don't know, okay?"

Sabine gently placed her hand on his shoulder,

"We'll be fine," she told him, "trust me."

He shook his head, "Sabine. I don't even have a lightsaber anymore. How are we gonna..?" Ezra paused, hearing something in the distance.

"What is it?"

He looked around, "Singing... almost like..."

Ezra's eyes widened, as he began sprinting into the caves without warning. Sabine watched for a second, jaw dropped, as she chased after him,

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