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And the story continues! If you want to see the entire Mykapo and Lasan (ky's main OT storyline) check out "Good Things Never Last" on a03! But if you prefer wattpad, the previous chapters are in this one shot book, first one is "Flight to Mykapo" and they continue up until "Numb".

Check them out if you love Ky! Every comment means the world to me especially on Ky's stories 🥰

Part 2 to TBB crossover will be out by the end of the week, hopefully


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"Will you sit down?" Hera shot her daughter a glare, "you shouldn't be on your feet."

Ky sighed and sat down in the co-pilot's chair without saying a word, as she focused her eyes on the stars as they flew by in blue and white lights. She always loved hyperspace. Always found it beautiful. She felt calmer every time she watched it. One of the biggest things she remembered after Attalon was watching the stars of hyperspace afterwards, trying to figure out what was going to happen after.

But even the gorgeousness of space was not helping to clear her mind. Not today. Because she felt empty. Because she remembered Attalon, and how calming the stars were. Because Mart was right there next to her the entire flight to Yavin. And now...


"You alright?" Hera looked over to Ky, raising a brow in concern, standing up and turning to walk out of the room, "it's probably time for another dose of pain meds."

"No," Ky sighed, closing her eyes, "it's not that, don't worry."

"Ky..." Hera started, sitting back down, "you've been through hell and back in the last few days. Your body needs rest and time to heal. You can't keep pushing it away."

"I feel fine," Ky finally turned to face her mother, "yeah it hurts a little, but the meds haven't worn off. And they're helping."

"When we get back, you're going to rest. You're lucky I even let you come."

"You let Jacen come," Ky shrugged, wincing a little, "it's not a dangerous mission... right?"

"It could end up being dangerous," Hera sighed, turning back to the controls, "best case scenario, we get Zeb and go before anything happens."

"Worst case scenario?"

"Well," she frowned, "there aren't any imperials left on Lasan, to the best of my knowledge. But there are bounty hunters and scavengers, which could become a problem."

"So the Empire attacked Lasan, committed genocide, and then left?" Ky frowned, "I don't understand."

"That's more of a question for Zeb," she continued, "the Lasat put up a fight, I think there wasn't anything worth saving after. The Empire lost its purpose there."

Ky nodded a little, "If there's nothing left, then why would Zeb go back?"

"I don't know," Hera replied, as the ship dropped out of hyperspace, causing Ky to wince from the sudden movement, "you alright?"

"No," she said between her teeth, then taking a deep breath, "okay... I'm good now."

Hera nodded, pressing the commlink, "Landing on Lasan now, be ready."

"Copy that, General," Rex responded, "any sign of Zeb's coordinates?"

Ky leaned forwards carefully, looking over the scanners,

"Yeah," she responded, "land around point-three. We'll be able to find him from there."

"You tracked his comm?"

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