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Set right before rebel assault, this scene might actually make it into Ky's story, we'll see

The quote in italics might change in Ky's story

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"You may take Commander Syndulla and her squadron for the attack."

"Thank you, Senator."

- - -

"Hey..." Ky said, letting a breath escape her lips- one she didn't know she was holding back.

"We've been assigned for a mission under General Syndulla's command?" One of her pilots, Duke, rose a brow, as he climbed out from under his X-wing.

"Yes," Ky replied, holding her helmet in her hands, "but I'll be right there with you guys."

"She a good commander?" Cleat asked, smoothing her hair back as she put her helmet on. Ky nodded,

"Best one we have," Ky's voice was soft, quiet, like she was holding back saying something. It wasn't her usual sarcastic or confident tone. But it wasn't the broken and lost tone Mart had heard back on Attalon. This was different. Ky smiled softly as she continued, "she trained me to be a pilot and a leader. If you trust me, you trust her."

"And we trust you with our lives." Mart smiled at her, nodding to her. Ky nodded back, needing that boost at the moment. Her mind was still all over the place from the day's events. She had been on Ryloth, then a star destroyer, back to Yavin, and now heading to Lothal. When was the last time she got a full nights sleep?

"We're attacking the Imperial Factory on Lothal," Ky explained, as each of them brought their full attention when they stood in front of her. This was not her full squadron, but the ones she knew best. The ones that had lasted the longest. Ky looked each and every one of them in the eyes while she spoke, "the planet may not mean much to you guys. You probably haven't even been there. But if we destroy the factory, then we prevent the TIE defenders from being produced. It'll save our lives and then some."

"We can handle a couple'a TIE's commander," Cleat smirked. She was a bit cocky, but smart and brave. A good pilot too. Ky looked to her for a moment, nodding for her to continue, "this ships may be better, but we've got better pilots."

"You do have a point," Ky responded, "but that's not all. We attack the factory, it's gonna start something. It's our first major attack, if it works, it's gonna lead to more attacks and more liberations," she looked to Mart with her last sentence, "could likely lead to freeing other worlds."

Mart smiled softly, thinking about what it would be like to see Mykapo free. He didn't remember it before the Empire came. It was only a dream nowadays for him. But that day might come where it would be reality.

"You really think that, Commander?" Duke asked her. She nodded,

"I do," she took a pause before continuing, "as your commander, even if I'm not in charge on this mission, I can still give you orders. If any of you wish to stay on Yavin, I'm going to let you. This fight isn't going to be easy..."

"I'm in." Mart cut her off. The boy didn't even need to think about it. He knew he was in. Either outcome.

"Me too." Duke replied, looking to Cleat. The woman leaned against her x-wing, she smiled, then nodded,

"If he's in, I'm in."

"I'm glad to hear it." a new voice stated, as Hera Syndulla walked over. Attention was turned to the General, as Cleat and Duke nodded to her.


She nodded back, looking to her daughter, "Can I have a moment with you?"

"Yeah, of course," she turned to her pilots as she began to follow her mother, "finish your repairs. We leave soon."

"Yes ma'am."

- - -

"That was some speech." Hera smiled softly, stopping at the ramp of the Ghost with her daughter.

"Oh..." Ky scratched the back of her neck, "you heard?"

The twi'lek nodded, "I did."

"I just... I needed them to know how important this was. I needed to know they knew the risks."

"Yeah," Hera told her, "they really do trust you. I can tell."

"I'm glad..."

"Are you nervous?" Hera asked, noticing Ky was fidgeting with her helmet a little.

"I am," she sighed, "sorry..."

"Don't be sorry," the twi'lek placed a hand on her shoulder, "I am too."

"You don't look it."

"Trust me, I am," she chuckled, smiling at her daughter for a moment, "I'm proud of you."

- - -

This might be in ky's story at the end of crawler commandeers (with some changes)

Hope you enjoyed

This is the song that inspired it, the Hamilton workshop for right hand man:

Ky: now I can write a revolutionary screed until my fingers bleed, but actions gonna bring us what we need
Mart: yes indeed
Ky: Tonight we plant a revolutionary seed And watch it twist and weave and grow Until we choke out every weed
Mart & Cleat: yes indeed
Ky: Let's grab those cannons with our legendary speed Keep in step with me, the leader of this gang, are we agreed?
Mart, Cleat, and Duke: yes indeed
Ky: stick with me
Mart/Cleat/Duke: yes indeed
Ky: Til we're free
Mart/Cleat/Duke: yes indeed
Ky: say goodbye to the life you used to lead

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