Family Reunion and Farewell- Gone Differently and with Ky

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I'm obsessed with Ky. I'm starting in the middle of the episode, cause I can.

"Ezra?" Hera called out, as she realized the boy wasn't behind her. She saw a ship take off, panic rose indsde of her. She pulled out her com, "Ezra? Ezra-"

"Hera, he'll be fine. We need to get that shield up." Sabine told her, as Hera looked to her daughter. She was still grieving Kanan, and now Ezra had left, "We get that shield up, and he has a chance to get back here."

"Alright." Hera agreed, as she looked to everyone else.

"To get to the shield generators, we'll need to teams. Team A will storm the bridge form one side, Team B will take the other side." Sabine explained. Everyone seems to agree, except for Ky, who just watched the Star Destroyer above them.

"Team A will consist of Ketsu, Rex, and Hondo, Team B will have Zeb, Kallus, and Gregor." Hera finished, as she looked to her daughter, "And Ky." Ky looked over at the sound of her name, nodding and then looked back at the destroyer.

"Good luck." Sabine muttered, "We'll be here to guide you and try and help."

"Let's go Rebels." Zeb commanded as the door opened, Ky started to follow them, but Sabine stopped her. Chopper had handed the Mandalorian something, and she was about to give it to Ky.

"Hey, he'll be fine." Sabine told her, as she handed the boy's lightsaber to her, Ky took it in her hands, "You know how to work it?"

"Yes, Kanan showed me, just in case." Ky replied. Sabine nodded and pulled Ky into a hug, while the rest of Team B looked back at her.

"Be careful."


"KARABAST!" Zeb yelled as they blasted more bucket heads in Sector 1244. Ky blasted another and then ducked behind Kallus, pulling her comm out.

"Mom, close the blast doors!" she yelled, as her mother said something in reply that she couldn't hear. The doors closed and they were clear, Ky started to walk towards the shield generator room, and the others followed her.

"We're here." Kallus stated, as they opened the door. Blaster fire was being directed towards Team A, who were ducked behind a control panel waiting for assistance. Well, assistance was here now.

"Kid, be careful." Zeb muttered as he placed his paw on Ky's shoulder. She looked at him, nodding quickly.

"You too, big guy."


Kallus ducked behind something, unsure what it was meant for. For now, cover would do. Gregor and Ky were behind him and Zeb in front of him.

"For this to work we'll need to do something crazy!" Gregor exclaimed. Zeb and Kallus looked at him, then Zeb nodded.

"Alright. Stay here!" Zeb replied as he jumped to where Ruhk and some stormtroopers were. 

"Zeb don't!" Kallus yelled, as he reached his hand out. He was too late, Zeb had dove into Ruhk, causing them both to fall off the ledge. Gregor looked at him in surprise.

"He's crazy!"

Ky looked where Zeb was, trying to see if he was still alive. In her mind she was being sarcastic, Zeb? Crazy? No.

But this was different. Zeb was risking his life for the mission, just like Kanan. Just like Ezra. Now, Kanan was gone. Ezra was captured and Zeb might die. Ky couldn't stand it, Zeb had always been there, now might be dead.

"Well, it was your idea!" Kallus replied, "Come on!"

Ky stayed in her spot, searching for Zeb.

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