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I started a sad draft and never finished it, so I'm working on an art piece for it instead lol. But I'm in a commander Sato mood, with no ideas. So here's some Rex and Hera? Idk we'll see where this goes

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"General." Rex nodded to Hera as he handed her a cup of caf, sitting in the co-pilots chair, sipping his own cup.

Hera looked down, smiling her best, but that smile was small, "Rough couple of days..."

"You could say that again," the old clone responded, sighing, "it's weird... going so long without losing a brother, then to lose two of them within a couple days..."

"My younger brother died when I was four," Hera began, "my mother, right after the Clone Wars ended. There were others... friends, fellow pilots. But for a while we didn't lose anyone."

"And here we are."

She nodded a little, "Yeah..." she turned to face the blue skies in front of her, "here we are..."

"It doesn't even feel like it happened," Rex looked down, "I was with Gregor for so long. And now..."

"Kanan and I were the same way," the twi'lek held back tears as she spoke, "Ezra too..."

"Never met anyone like Ezra," Rex smiled his best, "he'll find his way back."

"I hope so..." she held her arms close to her chest, letting a few tears fall from her face, "how did you deal with it..? Losing... everyone."

"The fight never ended," he stated, "one battle after the next. There really was never time to grieve. Just had to move on... but, that was always impossible."

"I know that feeling," she wiped her eyes, "the fight is done for now... and I don't know what to do."

"I'm gonna go back to Yavin," Rex responded, "get right back to what I do."

"I just know I want to stay with Zeb and Sabine," Hera told him, "I don't know if they want to go back to Yavin or not, but with Kanan and Ezra gone I don't want to leave them."

"I understand."

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Hera and Rex have a lot more in common then I realized. This is really short ugh.

Fuck it, I'm gonna add Ky. Story continues. Intermission over.

I've never really written her with Wolffe soooo let's see what happens.
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"I'm sorry about Gregor," the girl stood at the ramp, looking at the clone in front of her, "I didn't know him well, but, he seemed like a good person."

"He was," Wolffe barely looked to her, "so was Kanan."


"You lost a lot of people, kid?" Wolffe looked to her, trying to distract himself from the loss of a brother.

"I mean... yeah," she frowned, "Kanan, Commander Sato, Cleat, Duke, R3...." she paused, having to force herself to not choke up, "my birth parents."

"Feels like it never ends, huh?"

"Rex told me a lot about the Clone Wars," she looked up to him, "I can't imagine what that was like compared to this."

"Every loss has to be worth something," he told her, "that's what I keep telling myself about Gregor."

"That's what my mom said about... everyone."

"Just gotta keep fighting," Wolffe responded, "at some point, this will all be over."

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I hated how short it was so I added Ky.

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