Chapter 1

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"What is it that you want to tell us?" Says Seyeon

"Well, as you may know I got casted for a film-" The boys started to cheer and I gave them a sad smile which made the cheering fade.

"I have to go film in japan, and it may take a year or so" I say softly.

"What! But what about us?, your gonna leave us behind just like that?" Seojun bursted.

"No no, I haven't decided yet-"

"Stop being so selfish seojun, this is her dream we are talking about!" Suho interrupted

"He's right Seojun, this is her dream we can't just stop her" seyeon agrees.

Seojun stayed silent trying to process everything.

"Seoju-" before I could finish, Seojun stood up and walked away, I looked at the boys and they nodded, I stood up and ran after him.
Seojun's POV

Selfish!! Are they kidding me, she is the selfish one leaving us behind!

I felt someone grab a hold of my arm, which startled me a bit.

"HAN SEOJUN!" I heard her scream and I turned around to face her.

"Let me go Areum" I say

"Seojun, I can't believe my bestfriend is being selfish right now, this has been my dream since I was a kid, why won't you let me go!" She says as her eyes started to get teary.

"I'm in love with you Areum, and I don't want you to be so far from me for so long" I yelled.

"Your unbelievable, your really gonna use that as an excuse to be selfish? Huh!!"

"Your the unbelievable one, I can't believe you would think I would use my confession to you as an excuse, I'm being real here, I guess you don't feel the same, I can't wait till your gone" those last words hurt my heart, why did I say something so harsh? I looked at her face her eyes now full of tears.

"Well I can't wait to be gone!" She said choking back her tears as she walked away.

I wanted to hold her back. But I also wanted to scream at her, so many mixed emotions, it was driving me insane.


I turned to look at seojun who had his head down on the desk, then I noticed, the girl which I recalled her name being joo kyung send two winks at suho, and then she smiled warmly at him.
I suddenly hear a female's voice next to me.

"Lee suho, what are you thinking about? The english teacher wants you to come to the staff room really quick, let's go." I slightly peek and see it was the longed dark haired girl from earlier today. He stands up and leaves not even glancing back at me, as if I was a complete stranger

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