Chapter 4

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I sat next to jookyung holding Seojun's keys, when I see him walk in.

"Take your keys, why would you even give them to us?" I say handing them over but he pushes them back to me.

"For me not to ride my motorcycle, you'll have to keep the key, or you can let jookyung have it, why? Because I'm only listening to you from now on." He says making it clear.

That's causing the whole class to chatter in surprise and amusement

"Seojun this isn't funny, is this because we blacked mailed you with a picture of you on your motorcycle?"

"As if I'd ever do that" he says as he pulls out a mango juice and places it next to me.

"I found it on the way, you can have it, or give it to jookyung, enjoy." He says as he walks away.

The whole class gasps and starts to gossip .

"I'd rather strawberry, jookyung?" I say as I turn to look at her

"Yea, I have to agree on that"

Sua come to us and says.

"What on earth? What's up with him today? And what's this business with his key?" She keeps questioning

Later that day I decided to look for seojun

After looking for a while I finally find him

"Han seojun" I call out

His friends turn around and start to tease.

"Catch" I say as I through his key in the air and I walk away.
We were now in chemistry
And I sat a chair away from Suho, as jookyung walked in and takes the key out of her pocket.

That little sh*t.

Suho grabs Jookyung by the hem of her shirt and tells her to sit next to him.

As if she wasn't already going to sit there.

She takes a seat and place the juice seojun has given me early on the table

"I thought you weren't going to drink it" he says

"Areum wanted to throw it away, but I think that would have been a waste"
Suho then takes it and gives it to a random guy in our class.

The teacher walks in and I start taking out my notes.

Suddenly I see suho place a strawberry juice next to jookyung

And I look up at him to see him and Jookyung starting at each other I then see a smile on jookyung lips .

I look down at my hands and I brush it off, looking back at the teacher

Tsk he could have at least bought two.

I saw the look Jookyung gave Suho, it was the same look I would give Seojun back when we were trainees.

She liked him, and he liked her.

It was finally lunch time and I grabbed my tray and walked up to sit next to jookyung to sit next to her but I end up being push by Seojun.

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