Chapter 5 2/2

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I had over slept
I woked up and I stretched a bit.

I grab my towels and some clean clothes.

I walked into the restroom
I turned on some warm water.


After taking a warm shower
I changed into a black skirt, a white tank top, and a leather jacket, with my black combat boots.

I did a little cleaning and organizing around my apartment.

After a while I sat down and rested my head back

I knew Suho liked jookyung, I knew it from the start, but I felt like he didn't have to be so mean.

Or maybe I'm just too sensitive.

Whatever, I can move on now right?
I need to get my mind off of that.

I had nothing to do today, and I felt like eating out.

I hadn't had fast food in a while due to the diet I had to follow.

So I decided why not go grab a burger.

I grabbed my car keys and head out.
I drove around looking for a place.
Then I finally found a place to park.

I grab my wallet and put on my mask and walk over to the burger place.

"Ah it smells good in here"

I order and I stood their waiting for my order to be called, maintaining a low profile.

I see a group of friends walk in but their conversations caught my attention.

"Han Seojun beat us? They said nasty stuff about shinhwa kids" a guy said.

"What? Who is...I'm mad now." The taller guy says.

Wait that guy, hes the one who was after Han Seojun the night after the karaoke.

As long as he doesn't see me.

I block out their conversation and I look down at my phone.

"Who's this? Lim jookyung? Wow. It's been so long" I quickly look up to see the group of girls surround her.

"You're still as red as ever. Did you get even uglier?" says one of them

Which made my blood boil!
I want to do something about it, but I can't cause a scene.

At least not yet.

"I'll go then." She says as she stutters slightly but she gets pushed back by one of the girls.

"Where are you going? I'm not done yet, where did you transfer to?"

"To the suburbs. I'm visiting relatives."

"Kids are saying you transferred because I bullied you. What were you going around saying to people? Why are you make me sound like an evil witch?" The girls said as she hit jookyung on the head.

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