Chapter 2

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I watch as Suho and Joo kyung walk past me.
Suddenly the principal walks in screaming at us to get back to class, soon the crowd started to vanish. While I stood there and so did Seojun
I then see seojun walk after them, but I grab his arm before he can continue.
"Where do you think your going?" I say sternly

"Who do you think you are? Holding me back like this, let go" he says as he yanks his arm away from me and he continues to walk.

I follow close behind, soon I see Suho
"Lee suho." Seojun says and Suho turns around.

"Your enjoying the spotlight, aren't you?" He continues.

"Am I the reason you came back to school? You seem to be interested in everything I do." Suho responded
Seojun scoffs.

"Just mind your own business...and stop sticking you nose into mine" Suho continued before walking away.

"Yah Lee Suho!!" I say but he doesn't turn back.

I stand right in front of Seojun.

"What's your problem, what have you turned into Han Seojun"

"Mind your own business, just like I did 3 years ago." Seojun snapped back.

"Seriously, are you holding a grudge for what happened 3 years ago!" I yelled

"There's so much more to it, I would rather not waste more time on such unimportant things at this moment " he says coldly.

I hear the door to the restroom open, and see jookyung come out

"Thank you, why did you help me though?" She says with her head down

"You. Urgh, forget it" he says, he turns back to me and then back to her.

"Bring my helmet tomorrow-" Seojun exclaimed as he pointed his finger.

"Okay got it!" She screams and runs off
"Hey! MY HELMET" Seojun screams after.

"What about your helmet?" I question

"Stop being so nosy" he turns to look at me.

"What's up with you two?" I ask.

"Dont act like we are all close again, you coming back means nothing, and why do you care, are you jealous?" He says with his brow slightly raised, he then starts to laugh.

I look down and start to mess with my fingers.

Wait no, don't look all vulnerable.

"Aish!" I let out bother by his remark and I smack Seojun's shoulder and walk away.

"Y-yah! Choi areum!" I hear as he calls but I ignore him and keep walking away

What a jerk. I know deep down my sweet seojun is there, I just need to get closer to him.
~Night time out side MOVE Entertainment ~

Middle school seojun and Areum stood outside the building

"Y-yah! Choi areum!"

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