Chapter 9 2/2

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I was asleep and I felt pressure on me some, and I open my eyes to see sua cuddling me and I patted her head and continue to sleep
"Do you know that the best part about a school trip is?"

I stood there feeling drowsy
Shivers running down my spine

"The highlight of a school trip is doing a treasure hunt." Mr. Han says
And everyone complained

I sneezed softly
Aishhh why now!

"So I want you guys to look around and find what you can."

"Mr. Han, we're not elementary school kids!" Hyun kyu complained

"We're 18 years old, not 8" shi said

And the whole class agreed

"Mr. Han I'm hungry" cheol says

And seojuns smacks him

"You just ate a whole ago"

"The winner will get a gift voucher worth 50 dollars."

Everyone started to run looking for it

And I walked up to Mr. Han and told him I wasn't feeling very well he said I could rest and I made my way to the bus

Then jookyung appears and I sneezed

"Are you not feeling well either?" She ask me

And I just nodd softly not having any energy

(I'm sorry I'm going to take jookyung scene for areum, hopefully doesn't upset anyone)

Jookyung had gone all the way to the back of the bus and was scurled up into a ball, you wouldn't even see her if you were to walk in, I on the other had sat almost in the middle, as I had no more energy, sat near the window and leaned my head against the window closing my eyes


I walk into the bus and see Areums head resting agaisnt the window

"Areums, are you sick?" I eaxh my hand over her forehead and he was burning

"Your burning hot! It must of been from last night's fall in to the lake" I run off the bus to go grabs some medicine
After getting the medication, I run back to the bus and take a seat next to her

"Wake up, I brought medicine for you" I say and she slightly turn her head to me opening her eyes

I put the medicine on her hand and hand her water

And she takes the medication

"Han seojunie..." she says softly making my heart flutter, I take of my jacket and place it on her to keep her warm

"Get some sleep" I say

"Thank you" she says drifting of to sleep

I look at her

"Don't get sick, I hate it when people get sick"
I take out a flower bracelet and grabs her hand, I starst to wrapp it around her wrist gently
And I smile softly

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