~ "Lie to me." ~

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Title of one shot; "Lie to me."
Requested by; Nobody
Type of angst; Donnie is listing lies from his brothers. . .
AU; None
Prompt; "Lie to me."
Summary; Donnie is listing lies from his brothers and fathers, he had recently found out they were lying about lots of things. Some were about him. How will he react?
Brofluff?; No
Notes about AUs; None
- Third persons pov -
Donnie was watching his brothers closely, through narrowed eyes. April noticed Donnie's strange behavior, he always held a paper in his hand or in his hoodie OR in a small pocket that he installed into his Tech-Bo. He looked at his list, frowning.

List of lies
Lie 1; Messing around with my inventions.
Lie 2; Being a insomniac
Lie 3; Stealing some of my coffee
Lie 4; having Nightmares about shredder
Lie 5; Breaking some of my inventions
Lie 6; 'Accidentally' hurting My feelings

Lie 1; Breaking The TV
Lie 2; Having more separation anxiety
Lie 3; 'Helping' me to fix my inventions
Lie 4; 'Accidentally' Dropping hints of me having ADHD
Lie 5; Savage Raph getting worse whenever he's alone
Lie 6; Telling Splinter that I just want his approval and attention

Lie 1; Being more afraid of anything/Super anxious
Lie 2; Breaking his phone
Lie 3; Sneaking off to get more pizza and got attacked
Lie 4; Having a argument with Raph
Lie 5; 'Accidentally' using Dr.Delicate touch by Dropping hints of me having Nightmares
Lie 6; 'Accidentally' hurting my feelings with Dr. Delicate touch

Donnie didn't exactly put Splinter and Draxum on the list, since he doesn't really encounter them. Well he did list splinters lies. He grumbled. Looking at his father's lie list.

Lie 1; Tricking me to bring my tank to the Yōkai demolition derby
Lie 2; Being Lou Jitsu
Lie 3; Taking my tank for the first time
Lie 4; Telling Draxum that I have ADHD, having Nightmares about Shredder and PTSD
Lie 5; Telling Draxum that I have sfairesphobia
Lie 6; Being a Ex-Lover Of Big'Mama(A/N; I'm still am shocked-)

The genius let out sigh and placed the paper into his Tech-Bo, he frowned, not aware that April had seen the list. "Hey Don! Wanna play the Lou Jitsu game?" Leo Asked, Donnie just glared and walked off. April followed after him, "Don?" Donnie paused at the sound of her voice, he mumbled a curse and looked at her. "What April?" He Replied, "What are you gonna do now hm?" She had her arms crossed, Donnie narrowed his eyes. "Isn't it obvious? I'm gonna go work." He growled, going into the lab. April was shocked that he had growled at her, The genius sat down on his chair that was near the desk.

- Flashback -
"YOU LIED! YOU KNEW I WAS GONNA SAY NO IF I KNEW THIS WAS GONNA BE A YŌKAI DEMOTION DERBY!" Donnie yelled, tears of anger swelling up in the corners of his eyes. His body was trembling as Mikey began to panic like crazy, Splinter glared. "Turn this tank around now!" He demanded, "NO! YOU NEVER WANTED TO SPEND TIME WITH US! YOU LIED TO US!" Donnie screeched, Splinter stared at him. "YOU LIED ABOUT SPENDING TIME WITH US! YOU WANTED THIS!" Donnie snarled, tears were rolling down his face. The rat sighed, the tension from his old muscles relaxing. "Purple. . .I never lied about spending time with you. . ." Splinter murmured, going towards the upset genius. "Um - Guys? M - Maybe we should continue this later when we are about to get attacked!" Mikey panicked,

- End Of Flashback -
Donnie sighed to himself, covering his face. Letting out frustrated groans. 'Why are my brothers lying to me so much lately?' He wondered, sitting upwards. 'What did I even do to deserve to be lied to? Am I just a obstacle in their way? Am I just a object? A Robot? What am I to them?' He kept questioning himself, he sighed, he hated being vulnerable and being lied to. He hated being so emotional, he remembered his breakdowns after he found out that his brothers had lied to him. 'And they still are! Should I confort to them about it?' He wondered, 'No. I will just— Ugh. . .I guess I should.' He frowned,

The softshell stood up and left his lab, seeing his brothers sitting in a circle on the floor. Splinter was there too. "Oh hey Don! Wanna play Truth or Dare?" Leo Asked, Donnie cringed when he saw the excitement glimmering in the brown gaze of Leo. "No thanks, In fact, I need to talk to all of you." Donnie growled, trying to keep himself cool but surprising, he purposely failed miserably. "What's the problem D?" Mikey Asked, his brothers weren't aware of Donnie had been listing their lies to him. The genius pulled out the paper that had the list, "Look at this List and PLEASE TELL ME WHY YOU GUYS LIED TO ME SO MANY FUCKING TIMES?!" He Snapped, Splinter saw his own lies on the list. His ears dropped downwards, "D - Don! Calm down! We did it for the best!" Leo protested,

The softshell Snapped his gaze towards the red eared slider, and oh boy, Donnie was Pissed. "'FOR THE BEST'?! SO YOU THOUGHT LYIING TO ME ABOUT SOME SERIOUS SHIT AND OTHER SHIT ABOUT ME WOULD THE BEST TO LIE ABOUT?!" He demanded, Leo shrank back, Mikey squeaked in fear. Raph's eyes widened when he tears of anger swelling up in Donnie's eyes, "Donatello -" Splinter tried to speak. "NO! YOU GUYS SHOULD KNOW, I HATE BEING LIED TO! ALSO WHAT AM I EVEN TO YOU?! AM I JUST A FUCKING OBSTACLE OR OBJECT IN YOUR WAY?! CAUSE AT THIS POINT, IT FEELS LIKE YOU DONT NEED ME ANYMORE! YOU HAVE YOUR DAMN MYSTIC POWERED WEAPONS! APPARENTLY MAGIC IS 'SOOOO' MUCH FUCKING BETTER THEN SCIENCE! I HAD THAT PROVED IN WITCH TOWN!" Donnie snarled, tears were rolling down his face. His brothers and father realized he was venting. . .

They did NOT expect this at all. . .

"Donnie!" April gasped but immediately shut up, when Donnie snarled at her. "STOP TRYING TO TELL ME THAT EVERYTHING IS OKAY WHEN EVERYTHING ISNT OKAY!" He Snapped, "LIE TO ME! I DARE YOU! I FUCKING DARE YOU! DAMNIT JUST FUCKING LIE TO ME OVER AND OVER! JUST FUCKING STOP! I HATE IT!" Donnie screeched, he then ran out of the lair, sobbing. Leaving them in shock, he didn't know where he was going, but one things for sure. . .

He was definitely not coming back. . .
Damnnnnn Donnie's pissed. So um, sorry it's short. I hoped you enjoyed it either way!
Also requests are still open ya know?

   Sayonara my lattes!~

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