~ "Sometimes I wonder why you stay with me." ~

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Title of one shot; "Sometimes I wonder why you stay with me."
Requested by; Nobody
Type of angst; Donnie feels. . .like he isn't worth it.
AU; None
Prompt; "Sometimes I wonder why you stay with me."(From tumblr)
Summary; Donnie feels like he isn't worth it, he knows that he's good at what he's does. But his brothers knew that too, but anyone could feel like that. Donnie's feeling emotional about it,
Brofluff?; Raph and Donnie *w*
- Third persons pov -
Donnie was in his lab, his head was resting on his arms. He was trying to find motivation or inspiration to make a new project or a new invention, but nothing came to his mind. He flinched when he heard laughter coming from his family, he let out a quiet scoff and growled to himself. Trying to block out the sounds of laughter. He muttered a few curses, he wanted to shut them up. He slowly stood up and headed out of his lab, he decided to take a look to see what they were laughing at. "THIS IS TOO DAMN FUNNY!" Leo laughed, Donnie rolled his eyes and peered over the couch. It was a video of when they were little, when they first discovered that little Donnie was afraid of beachballs.

The genius frowned and grumbled, and headed into the kitchen. "Did you guys hear that grumble or no?" Mikey Asked, Donnie sighed and wondered to himself of what he should do. "Want me to check it out?" Leo Asked, The genius decided jus to hang out in his lab. He started heading towards his lab, "Heya Don!" Leo's voice made him jump, for some reason, the softshell just rushed off into his lab. Leaving a very confused red eared slider. He didn't understand why the genius had literally ran off like that, "Leo! What's the hold up?!" Raph Asked from the living room, Leo glanced over. "I think something's wrong with Don." Leo Replied casually,

"Maybe he's just being a little paranoid. I guess." Raph answered, shrugging. Donnie heard the words but he kept silent, he went over back to his desk and sat down. Going back to the position he was in before. Letting out a long sigh of exasperation. Leo shrugged as well, before glancing at the lab and went to his bedroom. Donnie slowly lifted his head, seeing his computer which was opened. Tears swelling up in the corners of his eyes. He buried his face again, whimpering. He felt horrible. . .

He lifted his head again and stood up, he went over towards the rack that had his hoodie. He grabbed it and puts it on, he then went back to his spot and sat down. He slowly started moving his hands onto his computer, silently starting to work on it. He was just typing random numbers, making some random codes just so he could decipher them. Since he had no motivation to do anything else, if he's lucky; His brothers wouldn't come in and bother the hell out of him.

The genius soon got bored and more demotivated to do anything, so he turned off his computer and closed it. He felt tears starting to roll down his face, he let out quiet sniffles, not really wanting to attract attention. His hands were shaking as he reached for his coffee mug, he took a few sips. He yelped in pain when he accidentally dropped the mug, "Shit. . .Shit. . .Shit!" He whispered to himself, realizing the glass shattering was loud enough for his brothers to hear.

He grabbed a few cleaning materials and started cleaning up his small mess, his hands were still shaking. His breathing was coming out quick, as if he couldn't think straight. He whined in pain as a headache started to form in his head, he winced in pain when he realized he had accidentally dug a glass shard into his right palm. He quickly put all the shards into the trash can, before sitting back on his chair. "Don?! Are you okay?!" Donnie flinched at the sound of Raph's voice, he quickly wiped away his tears. He then looked over at the snapping turtle, though his right palm was starting to bleed a bit. "Oh, um, Y - Yeah. I - I'm fine Raph." He Replied, though Raph saw blood coming from Donnie's right palm.

"What happened?!" Raph asked, panic filled his voice as he rushed over with his medical supplies. "Oh, um, that? I dropped something on my hand, j - just a accident." Donnie answered slowly, glancing at his right palm. The leader in red frowned and bandaged his right palm, "Be careful next time, Okay Don?" He mumbled, Donnie just nodded, glancing away. Raph caught a glimpse of spilled coffee on the floor, he glanced the trash can, seeing shards of a mug. He then glanced at Donnie's right palm that was now bandaged up,

The snapping turtle frowned, and sighed. "What really happened?" He Asked as Donnie grabbed some cleaning wipes and started cleaning the hot coffee puddle, "Why should I tell you?" He mumbled, Raph was surprised by his answer. The genius then finished and threw the cleaning wipes into the trash can, "Because I'm worried." The turtle in red mumbled, Donnie looked away. Sitting back down. "Answer this Raph. . ." He whispered, catching Raph's attention. "Sometimes I wonder why you stay with me. Why do you?. . ." The genius finished, staring at his closed computer.

Raph frowned and placed a hand on Donnie's shoulder, "Because I care about you, you are an amazing brother to me, to all of us. I love you Don. Please don't do this to yourself, please don't keep trying to face your problems alone. We can face them together, Okay?" He murmured, pulling the genius into a gentle hug. Donnie started letting out a few whimpers before bursting into tears, but he kept himself silent as he sobbed into Raph's chest.

Why did Donnie feel like he isn't worth it?. . .
Sorry for the short oneshot! Yeah I know, I'm slowly am trying to escape Writers block here. But hey! I managed to make another oneshot for Donnie angst, now I gotta do Leo ;^;

! Happy winters !~

Sayonara my lattes!~

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