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𝐑𝐞𝐜𝐚𝐩- You- what.....


Mar- but don't tell her I told you tho he says getting up

You- naw imma ask her why she didn't tell me


Aliyah- wassup she says running in your room

You- come here I need to talk yo you

Aliyah- um.. ok she says as Mariano leaves the room

You- why the hell didn't you tell me you like Xaiver

Aliyah- I- um w- what are you talking about

You- don't play dumb now, why the hell didn't you tell me you liked Xaiver

Aliyah- how did you find out

You- Mar told me

Aliyah- oh my god he can never keep a fucking secret

You- but you never answered my question

Aliyah- what was it?

You- why didn't you tell me you like him

Aliyah- cuz I didn't want you to tell Xaiver or Mike

You- so your with Mike but you like Xaiver?

Aliyah- yeah.. but please don't tell anyone

Derek- tell anyone what he says walking in your room

You- dang why you always being nosey

Derek- cuz I can damn, anyways what are yall talking about

Aliyah- nothing go back downstairs she says rolling here eyes

Derek- ha funny joke, but really what are yall talking about

You- something that has nothing to do with you so get out you say pushing him out the door

Aliyah- I swear that boy always being nosey

You- right, but I won't tell anyone

Aliyah- promise?

You- girl.. now you know for a fact that I ain't good at keeping promises, so for now I won't tell anyone

Aliyah- ok thanks she says as she walks out of your room

Yeah Ik it's short but I got bored sooo I made a chapter but anywayz I LOVE YOU BITCH I AIN'T GONE EVER STOP LOVE YOU BITCH BYEEE

Words- 292

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