𝙶𝚊𝚖𝚎 𝚙𝚊𝚛𝚝 𝟷

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Recap- After finishing your food you all go back to your house


You all end up going to drop off Mattia and Alejandro off because they had to babysit their little brothers and their parents were at work. After dropping them off you all go to Julian's house so he can spend the night, he went inside his house then went upstairs to pack is bag. After he got his stuff ready he got back in the car and then Mike drove off, you all make it to your house and you unlock your door then you all walk inside. You all go inside your room and chill.

Melody- so what do yall wanna do

Julian- yall wanna play a game he says with a smirk

Everyone- yeah.

You- how do you play?

Julian- ok so the game is easy all you have to do is take the dare

Jazz- really... that's all you have to do she says looking at him like he's dumb

Julian- I wasn't done he says annoyed

Julian- like I was saying all you have to do is take the dare... but the game is dare or dare and it's not no basic ass dare.... it's a extreme dare either it would be a sexual dare or a illegal dare and to get that dare you will pick a peice of paper out of this hat and it will show if it's illegal or sexual then it will show what you ahve to do he says with a smirk on his face

Everyone- ok.

Julian- aight so Aliyah go first he says holding the hat out for her

She digs in the hat while her face is turned the other way. Two seconds later she gets a peice of paper out of the hat.

Julian- what did you get he says putting the hat down

Aliyah- I got.... sexual dare... makeout with Mike

Everyone- ouu.

After they made out (cuz I'm to damn lazy)

Julian- ok y/n your turn he says as he gives you the hat

You grab the hat and pick a piece of paper, after that you say what you got.

Julian- what did you get he says sitting the hat down

You- I got.. sexual dare.... give Julian a lap dance......

It's the short ass chapter fa me, chile it's feels so weird not using fonts but who do you wanna date Julian, Kobe, Mattia, or Christian? let me know in the comments anyways ILOVE YOU SO FUCKING MUCHHH BYEEEE

Words- 400

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