𝙲𝚑𝚛𝚒𝚜𝚝𝚒𝚊𝚗 𝚘𝚛 𝙺𝚘𝚋𝚎

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𝐑𝐞𝐜𝐚𝐩- Aliyah- ok thanks she says walking out your room


You, Julian, Kobe, and Melody all then went to bed in your room.

The next day.

The next day you wake up to see Julian sleeping, Melody gone, and Kobe sleeping on top of you snoring.

You- damn Kobe you snoring hella loud you say with a little laugh

Mike- Y/n come downstairs someone is here to see you he says walking in your room while rolling his eyes

You- who is it? you say getting up

Mike- come see for yourself he says as you both walk out your room

You both walk downstairs and see Derek, Jazz, and Aliyah downstairs yelling at someone.

Derek- SHE DOSEN'T FUCKING WANT YOU SHE'S WITH KOBE he says yelling while pushing someone


You- what are yall yelling about?

Aliyah- about time you came down here, tell Christian that you don't want him and you want Kobe

You- first off how did he get in my house

Jazz- Mike let him in


Mike- I'm sorry I didn't know it was him

Derek- that's why they have peep holes on doors dumbass he says rolling his eyes

You- ok why the hell is he here

Kobe- yeah why are you here he says coming downstairs

Christian- what are you doing here he says walking up to Kobe

Kobe- I live here bitch why are you in girlfriends house

Christian- I came here to get ,MY girl duh he says putting his arm around you

You- nigga I'm not yo fucking girlfriend you say pushing him away from you

Kobe- Christian you need to leave

Christian- or what? he says getting in his face

Kobe- or imma fuck you up

Christian- you ain't gon do shit pussy

Without waring Kobe punches Christian and starts hitting him over and over until Vallyk runs over to him and pulls him off of Christian.

Vallyk- Kobe, Kobe, Kobe, chill out

Kobe- naw I ain't done with this nigga he says trying to run to Christian

Melody- what happened she says putting the waffle house food down

Jazz- Christian came to the house and said that he wants Y/n back

Melody- Y/n.. do you want him back?

You- no he just thinks I do because I forgave him, just cuz I forgave him doesn't mean I want you back

Christian- whatever fuck all yall hoes I'm out bro.. and Kobe I got yo ass next time I see you

Kobe- bet pussy ass bitch he says shutting the door behind Christian

A few Minutes later you get Kobe cleaned up from the bruised on his knuckles the you all eat your food. After that you all watch Netflix.

It's the weird ending for me and this was short but I updated anywayz I LOVE YOU SO SO SO MUCH BYEEEE

Words- 452

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