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𝐑𝐞𝐜𝐚𝐩- 𝐬𝐡𝐞 𝐥𝐞𝐭'𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝗺 𝐢𝐧 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐢𝐭'𝐬...........



You- M-Mar you say scared while shaking

Mar- hm he says looking up from his phone looking at you

You- look you say pointing at the door

He looks over at the door and sees Christian standing there shaking the teacher's hand until he looks at mar.... then you.....

You- mar he's back you say trying not to cry

Mar- hey, hey it's ok I got you I promise I won't let anything happen to you he says trying to clam you down

You- how did he get out of jail he was suppose to be in there for 12 years all this happened 1 year ago

Mar- I don't but I promise I got you he says as he puts his arm around your shoulder 

Ms. Carson- Ok class today we have a new student and his name is Christian, Christian why don't you tell us a few things about yourself

Christian- ok um... My name is Christian, I'm 17, and I moved here from Cali 3 years ago

The class claps.


You used to live in Cali but then you moved from Cali to Jersey and you've been living in Jersey for 5 years you were also kinda scared because it was your first year of 5th grade. But then you became friends with Melody, Melody was your first friend in Jersey she was funny, sweet, caring, and always stuck up for her friends. Once you and Melody became friends she's been there for you ever since but her old toxic friend group didn't like you and they didn't want Melody to be friends with you, but she didn't care so she dropped them you both then became friends with Jazz and Aliyah. Then once you hit 6th grade Kobe, Derek, Mike, and Vallyk started bullying you  then once you got to 8th grade you met Christian  he was new to Jersey and you both became friends... then you both started dating , soon he became abusive and stared hitting and telling you what to wear and who to be around. After all the Rape, Abuse, Cheating, and Lying you left him and you were happy you felt like you could finally live your life.... until he came to your school.

Ms. Carson- ok Christian why don't you sit right there next to Ioni, Ioni raise you hand 

She raises her hand and he goes to sit next to her. A few minutes into class you look over across the room to see Christian and Ioni flirting.

Your pov- 

Are you fucking serious he just got here and he already is being a man hoe I though he was dating that one bitch that was from his old school Lindsay or did he cheat on her like he does all his other hoes. That's so fucking gross the fact Ioni thinks that that flirting shit is cute but yet she tries to get with all the boys at this school she even tries to get with the teachers here, she tried to get with Mike, Vallyk, Derek, and Kobe. Nasty ass bitch.

𝐀𝐟𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐬𝐜𝐡𝗼𝗼𝐥 (𝐜𝐮𝐳 𝐈'𝗺 𝐥𝐚𝐳𝐲 𝐚𝐬𝐟)

After school You, Aliyah, and Vallyk all walk out of school and see Derek, Kobe, Mike, Jazz and Melody. Vallyk runs up to Melody and gives her a hug while kissing her one the cheek.

Mike- so yall together 

Vallyk- maybe so maybe not

Melody- Vally don't play games she says with an annoyed face

Aliyah- aw she calls you vally

Vallyk- shut up he says rolling his eyes

Kobe- anyway what do yall wanna do

Derek- we can go to the mall then get something to eat

Aliyah- ok I'm down

Mike- ok

Jazz- Ok I'll go

Kobe- yeah I'm down

Mar- ok bet

Melody- ok

Vallyk- alright

Jazz- y/n your coming right

You- um I don't think so I just wanna go home you say looking down

Melody- who the hell hurt my bestie feelings I will beat the shit outta them

Everyone laughs even you laugh a little.

Melody- really what's wrong why don't you wanna go to the mall you always wanna go to the mall

You- He's back

Jazz- who she says sitting on the back of Derek's car

You- Christian.

The girls- WHAT!

Aliyah- I thought he was suppose to be in jail for 12 years how did he get out

You- I don't know but I know that he's at this school and he's in my class you say with your voice shaking 

Mar- but I told her I got her

Kobe- wait who the hell is Christian

Mar- can I tell him he says rubbing your back looking at you

You nod your head yes.

Mar- Christian is her ex.... abusive ex 

Kobe- aw hell naw where the fuck is this nigga

You- wait Kobe calm down you say pushing him back trying to clam him down

Kobe- no cuz no nigga is suppose to put his hands on a girl.. EVER

You- but you do

Words- 820

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