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𝐑𝐞𝐜𝐚𝐩- Who_y/n- ty


Your sittting on your bed watching haunted with Jazz when Xaiver sends you a Dm.


Wassup y/n

Hey xaiver how did you get my socials?

Aliyah, she gave them to me when you and that boy walked out the club

oh thanks for telling me

np- anyways you wanna hang out today

yeah but can sum of my friends come?

yeah where do you wanna go?

um.. olive garden?

yeah I'm down

ok ill go tell them

ok, see you in 20

k bye


After you got done texting Xaiver you put your phone down and told everyone what was going on.

You- AYE I NEED YOU ALL TO COME UP IN MY ROOM you said yelling

Melody- wassup she says as she walks inside your room

You- ok so.. Aliyah, Jazz, and Melody yall remember Xaiver right?

Julian- who's Xiaver

You- shut up and let me finsh

Julian- my bad

You- anyways, yall remember Xaiver right?

Aliyah- the one with the braids?

You- yeah him, but anyway he wants some of us to go out to eat with him at olive graden are yall down

Jazz- yeah.

Derek- who are you taking

You- whoever wants to go


You- ok Aliyah, Vallyk, Melody yall wanna go to

Vallyk- yeah I'm down

Aliyah- yeah.

Melody- yeah I'll go

Kobe- I wanna go to

You- why?

Kobe- to make sure he don't try nun wit you duh

Julian- yall ain't even dating tho

Mike- yeah but he still wanna look out for her

You- whatever, anyway yall go get ready cuz he on his way

Kobe- hold up how the hell he find out where we live

You- Aliyah she was the reason he got my socials cuz when we got ready to go she gave them to me and she probably gave him my address

Aliyah- I-

You- naw Aliyah don't even act like you didn't tell him my socials he even said that you did

Aliyah- bro he talk to much she says rolling her eyes

You all laugh.

A few minutes later Kobe, Aliyah, Derek, Melody, and Vallyk go shower and change clothes while you wear the same clothes you have on because you didn't go to school so you just put perfume on. Soon Kobe, Aliyah, Vallyk, and Derek come downstairs and yall leave.

I UPDATED HOES!! and yes ik it's ass but I promise I will try harder in the next update N E WAYZ I love you all and I hope you have a good day/night/afternoon byeeeee

Words- 475

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