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𝐑𝐞𝐜𝐚𝐩- You get cut off by Kobe pulling your pants down and he starts eating you out.


He starts eating you out as you moan his name, then he add two fingers.

You- f-fuck K-Kobe

Kobe- that's not my name ma he says going faster

You- d-daddy you say grabbing his hair

Kobe- there you go he says as takes his fingers out and starts rubbing you pussy

After a few minutes you start shaking and gripping the sheets.


Kobe- let it out baby

You cum.

Once you cum he licks up your cum and swollows it. He then pulls his pants down and slowly puts it in giving you time to adjust, after adjusting his size he starts going at a good paste then soon goes a little faster.

Kobe- f-fuck your t-tight he says groaning

You- go fasterrr please

Kobe- ok he says with a devilish smirk

He starts going a a ungodly pace (ppl use that saying in smuts).


Kobe- naw remember you wanted me to go faster he says going even faster

You- I'M G-GONNA CUM you say with your legs shaking

Kobe- ME T-TOO

You both cum.

He falls down next to you on the bed as you both lay there out of breath. He then kisses you, You try to get up but fall on the floor.

You- really Kobe you say rolling your eyes

Kobe- you said go faster he says with a smirk on his face

You- shut up and help me up

He laughs a little then helps you up, you both get in the shower and give eachother a kiss. Once you both get out of the shower he changes into some shorts and you grab some pajamas to put on.

Your pajamas-

After a few hours Ioni leaves with a broken nose and a busted lip and Kobe went downstairs to play the game with Derek, Vallyk, and Julian then Mar comes in your room

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After a few hours Ioni leaves with a broken nose and a busted lip and Kobe went downstairs to play the game with Derek, Vallyk, and Julian then Mar comes in your room.

Mar- hey y/n

You- hey wassup

Mar- nun but um... was it good

You- what you say looking up from your phone

Mar- was it good, you know.. Kobe's dick

You- I- chile bye don't do me you say laughing a little

Mar- really tho.. was it

You- yeah.

Mar- I can tell by the way you sounded D-dAdDy SlOw DoWn he says laughing a little

You- shut up you say laughing a little also

Mar- anyway imma order panda express what do you want he says pulling his phone out

You- noodles, eggroll, and chicken

Mar- ok.

A few minutes later You and Mar are in your room watching The Doll on Netflix when he grabs your phone, and posts this on Instagram.

The post-

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Liked by- fan3, who.tf.is.mar, notkbreezo, user33, notmelody, and 296 others

Who_y/n- hacked by @who.tf.is.mar

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Mar- y/n...

You- yeah?

Mar- can I tell you something that Aliyah told me

You- yeah, what did she say

Mar- s- she has "Feelings" for Xaiver

You- what......

Oop chile this is a damn mess and I suck at writing smuts but anywayz I LOVE YOU SO SO SO MUCH BYEEEE

Words- 561

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