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𝐑𝐞𝐜𝐚𝐩- Once you both finish changing you both get on your phone and cuddle.


2 days later you've been throwing up and having weird cravings. Kobe just thinks that your sick again but you think that your pregnant so today your gonna go to the store and buy a pregnancy test.

You- baby I'm going out for a while imma be back soon ok...

Kobe- ok ma I love you he says giving you a kiss on your lips then playing the game again

You- love you too

You walk out the room then walk downstairs when Julian stops you.

Julian- aye y/n you good you've been acting weird lately

You- yeah I'm fine you say with a fake smile

Julian- where are you going?

You- um.. just gonna be out for a while but imma be back soon

Julian- ok bye

You- bye.

You walk out the house and get in your car. You start your car up then leave the house on your way to CVS, as you pull up to the store your eyes start to tear up because you don't know what will happen if your are pregnant.

'What if Kobe leaves me'

'How will my momma react to it'

'What if she kicks me out'

'What if my friends think of me different'

You start crying.

You then wipe your tears off your face and get out the car and lock it then walk in the store. You grab 3 tests just in case then you go up to the cashier and she looks a you then at the tests and rings up the tests. You then walk out the store with your bag and go back home.

You- I'm back

Aliyah- where did you go

Vallyk- ou do you have some food?

Aliyah- you always want so food she says laughing

You- no I don't have food you say laughing then walking upstairs

You walk in your room to see Kobe sleep. You then go to the bathroom and take the tests. After a few minutes you hear then beep and you grab one and it says.......


You start crying.

You grab the other two and they say the same thing. After a few minutes Kobe comes in the bathroom.

Kobe- princess what's wrong why are you "Sad" he says rubbing your back

You hand him the test and he gives you a hug.

You- w- wait your not mad?

Kobe- no ma I'm so happy he says giving you a hug

Welp this had a weird ass ending and it was short but ik what your thinking but just tust me plz and I have ScHoOl tomorrow and I don't wanna do it but.., I have to sadly N E WAYZ I LOVE YOU SO FUCKING MUCH BYEEEEE

Words- 441

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