𝙸 𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚗𝚔

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𝐑𝐞𝐜𝐚𝐩- 𝐲𝗼𝐮𝐫 𝐏𝐎𝐕


After class You, Mar, and Aliyah walked to lunch laughing and talking when you hear someone call your name but the voice sounds familiar. You look to see who called your name and It's Derek. You walk over to their table to see why he called your name.

You- yeah Derek you say with an annoyed tone

Derek- Hi to you to y/n, anyway have you seen Jazz

You- no why

Derek- I just wanted to know if she was still at school

You- I don't know 

Then Aliyah and Mar walk over to you and Jazz and Melody are with them but Jazz has two bags of Chick-fa-la.

Melody- wassup she says sitting down next to Vallyk

Jazz- ok so I got everyone Chick-fa-la she says sitting the bags down on the table and everyone grabs their food 

Mar- um..... are yall gonna explain why you and Melody are being nice to them he says grabbing his food looking at Jazz and Melody

Mike- do you have a problem with them being nice to us

Mar- yeah kinda because all you guys do is treat them like shit and now all of a sudden they wanna be nice to yall

Derek- Nigga if you got a problem with them being nice to us then you can leave he says grabbing one of his fries

You- ok Derek pipe down you say rolling your eyes then taking a bite of your sandwich 

Derek- Then tell your little boyfriend to shut the hell up he says yelling a bit

Jazz- ok Derek chill out don't raise your voice at her she says looking him dead in the eye

Derek- sorry he says calming down

You- and he's not my boyfriend you say rolling your eyes

Mar- I mean I can be he says grabbing you by your waist

Kobe- no he can't be he says grabbing his food out of the bag and sitting down next to you shoving Mar pulling you close to him

Aliyah- oop she says eating one of her nuggets

Melody- yall are to much I can't she says as Vallyk puts his arm around her

You- Jazz how the hell did you get Derek to calm down 

Mike- cuz he likes her

Derek- I said "I think" 

Vallyk- he likes her stop cappin he says with a smirk

Kobe- why did he have to calm down he says eating one of his nuggets

Mar- because I asked Jazz and Melody why they were being nice to them when you all like to bully them

Aliyah- He's not wrong 

Vallyk- ok but if we bully you why are you over here

Melody- shut up and eat yo damn food 

You- Thank you Melody and the reason we are over here is because Derek called my name asking if I had seen Jazz and I told him no then she came over here and they had food so I'm not complaining you say rolling your eyes

Kobe- you love food huh he says with a little laugh 

You- yep you say as you take one of his walffle fries 

Ok um I'm sorry for not updating but here I am anyway sorry this looks weird I just now saw that I had it in Center Justify sorry but I keep getting Ideas as I do the story but Imma go eat some spicy noodles but I love you bye

Words- 552

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