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Jannat POV,

It's 6 am now.
As usual today also I woke up before everyone and looked at others. They all were sleeping In their beds uncomfortably but I wonder how only Avneet is sleeping comfortably in a new place .

Oh yeah she is the sleeping beauty of our group. Ok let me first wake Faiz.

I went near him and shouted Faiz in his ears. He woke up with a jerk.

Jaan: Good morning love.

Faiz: ofcourse it will be a good morning as you woke me up but Why did you shout like that on my ears?

Jaan: ofcourse to wake you up. Now go and wake Sid and I will wake Avu.

Faiz: waking Sid and Avu is not at all easy. First let us wake the others and then after we get ready let's wake Sid and Avu. However there is only 2 bathrooms.

I agreed and we woke all others except. Avneet and Siddharth. Now we had a fight and the title Is ' who will go to bathroom first?'

Madan: let me go first.

Faiz: no first I will go . After getting ready I should wake Sid.

Reem: waking Avu is harder than waking Sid so 1st me.

Jai: no way I need to brush first. I'm going.

Jaan: I was the one who woke up first so I am going.

We were fighting in this way for 10 minutes.

Siddharth POV,

I woke up due to the noise in the morning. I think some dumbos of our group is fighting. The first view I saw when i woke up was my Avu . She shut both her ears with her hand palm, still closing her eyes. Maybe she is also disturbed by their noise. She slowly opened her eyes and saw me. We both had an eye lock for 5 sec and then she broke it by seeing towards our fighting dumbos.

Then she looked at me and gestured something.

Oh!Ok I understood.

I nodded my head. We both got out of our bed and went to the closet. We opened the closet and took our dresses without making noise. We both went to each bathroom and gestured  1.....2......3. Till now no one saw us.

Sidneet: BYE DUMBOS.

We screamed and everybody came towards us to pull us out but before they could reach ,we both closed the doors. Now I heard that they were cursing us but I didn't budge. After finishing a shower, I changed my clothes and went out.

I came out and everyone gave me a death glare. Why should even I budge? Next Faiz entered the bathroom and Avu came out. She also got death glares and she rolled her eyes.
Jaan went to the other bathroom.

Now I , Avu , Madan, Reem , Jai were on the room. Someone knocked the door and Reem opened it. It was Anushka. She came in and shouted.


Reem: There is only 2 bathrooms. It will take time.

Anu: don't give useless information. I love punctuality. I need you all to get ready in an hour. Reem! Jai! Go to my room and use it's bathroom.

Reem and Jai nodded their heads.


After taking their dresses from the closet they both barged out of the room. Now I, Avneet, Madan and Anushka are left in the room.

Anu: so get ready! I'm having some work. I will be back in an hour.

When she was about to go , she slipped and I caught her from her waist. Within seconds she got up, mouthed a thank you and left from there.

After she went I looked back at my friends.

Someone is looking different and that's my Avu. She  Averted her gaze from me. Is She hiding something? Is she jealous? To be honest I will be the happiest person if she is jealous. I think I should play with her and I will start the game in an hour.

1 hour later.........

Now everybody is ready. Anu came to the room and and now you are sitting in the dining table.

I think today I am really lucky. Avneet is sitting on my right whereas Anu  is  on my left. I'm not gonna turn left I am gonna face right for the whole breakfast. I am gonna pretend to ignore Avu.

Anu:Eat fast ,we are going somewhere
after breakfast.

Sid: yes of course we will get ready because I know you like punctuality.

Anu: you understood me very quickly.

Sid: that I always do but the weird character I ever met is Avneet.

I said rolling my eyes.

Avneet remained quiet. Isn't it shocking.

Reem: today the dish is really good.

Avneet: however Jannat is the best chef of my friends group. I love her hand made food. This seems different to me.

She said in a low tone.

Sid: you have never stepped inside the kitchen and you are commenting the chef of this castle. Just commenting is easy miss.whateverrrrr.

I said without seeing her. everyone laughed but still she remained quiet. I didn't turn her side as it was my plan but still I felt bad for what I said.

After few seconds...

Madan: You must not have told that. Now she is gone.

I was shocked,  I turned her side and realized......  yes! She's gone. I shouldn't have said that, she even didn't eat anything. Her plate was almost full.

I didn't expect this. I got up from there and went in search of Avneet.

I searched for her for sometime but I was not able to find her. Someone tapped me at the back . I turned back to find........


Sid: Reem! You?

Reem: yup! Why did you came from there? Anu asked me to call you and Avu.

Sid: but I can't find Avu.

Reem: she isn't a child Sid . Don't worry she will be back.

I was not satisfied but I compressed myself and went with Reem. I had my breakfast but my whole mind was behind Avu.

Where is she? I think I didn't hurt her that much.


What's up guys?

This was just a normal chap but I hope you enjoyed it?

Did Sid really hurt Avu?

Now where will be she?

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With lots of love

Yours Author❤️

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