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Faizal POV,

I got up at 2:30 AM . As decided I woke up Jai and Reem. I was thinking to murder Reem if she didn't get up but fortunately I had no pressure in waking up both of them. It was completely dark and I could see nothing.

Reem: Arey! It's too dark. On the lights.

Jai: I know you are dumb but I really don't know how you completed veterinarian degree.

Faiz: you both please don't start. Don't wake the others up. Come out silently.

We all went out of the room and I was leading them to the prison.

Reem: Wait! Where are we going?

Faizal: To the prison.

Jai: but I did nothing wrong.

Faiz: we are going to ask the prisoners about the Royal diamond's secret place.

Reem: oh! You mean we are going to ask help from the ones who tried to break the diamond before, Right?

Jai: Maybe but how do you know where is the prison?

Reem: when Abhi brother took us to the POWERS KILL for the first time, he showed us. It is outside the castle.

We all went out of the castle and reached the prison. There was only one guard sitting in a chair with a riffle. To be our luck, he was sleeping.
We entered inside the prison silently.

Siddharth POV,

Avneet , Madan and me together started following Faiz, Jai and Reem. Day 3 went out of the castle and reached the prison. I wonder why they are going here?

Avneet: hey! it is written in prison. look!

Sid: it is a prison.

Madan: why are they going here?

Avneet: no idea.

Sid:  He asked me, miss. whatever.

Avneet: if you are so slow then I was give the answer now.

Madan left of us behind and he walked forward. We called his name out and he stopped.

Avneet: why are you moving this fast?

Madan: because I know you both don't stop if you started fighting once.

We both rolled our eyes and started following them. We reached the prison and hid ourselves making sure Faiz, Reem and Jai doesn't see us.

Reem POV,

We moved silently to the first cell. There a man was sleeping lying on the floor. We called him out and tried our best not to disturb that guardian.

Jai: Excuse me! Sir! ( Low tone )

The man got disturbed. He got up and came towards us.

Man: Who are you? Why are you here?

Reem: Sir please don't shout. We came to meet the persons who tried to get the Royal diamond.

Man: ohhhhhhh! So you people are also trying to get it. I'm going to inform this to the guardian . If you think I should not say it to him, help me out to escape from here.

Jai: oh Really! But we came to enquire those people and it is the order of the queen.

I and Reem looked at him in confusion and he winked at us. Now we understood his plan.

Reem: And you are asking us to help you escape. How dare you?

The man got afraid and showed us another cell . He said that the persons who tried to steal the Royal diamond is locked over there. We went there . There were 3 people. 2 men and a woman. We called them and they came to us.

Reem: we came here to enquire you about your crime.

Women: Hey girl! We have already told everyone that we won't say anything.

Jai: but you must say. If you accept your crime, your punishment will be reduced.

Man 1 : oh Really! Then listen. Yes! We didn't like POWERS KILL. We didn't like the way you use people's power in wrong way. So we tried to break the Royal diamond of POWERS KILL.

Faiz: where did you find the Royal diamond?

Man 2: don't you know?

Faiz: just answer.

Man 2: I won't.

Reem: how did you get to know the secret place of Royal diamond?

Man 1: we wanted to save the world from your brutalities so we searched and found out it is in the graveyard.

I , Reem and Jai looked one another.
Finally we got the answer we were searching for. The Royal diamond is in the graveyard.

The 2nd man continued.....

Man 2: but that heartless human stopped us.

Reem: Who?

Women: That graveyard guardian.

Faiz: we are going now but we will be back soon.

Saying this we went out of the prison.

Madan POV,

Sid and Avneet saw the whole drama of Jai, Reem and Faiz along with me.

Sid: Are they working for queen, Mouni?

Avneet: Seemed like that only but why they are doing so?

Madan: did you notice the important thing? That man said that the Royal diamond is in the graveyard of POWERS KILL.

Sid: Someone is guarding that too.

Avneet: but why are they talking about the Royal diamond? Are they enquiring or trying to get it?

Sid: whatever they do but we should get the Royal diamond before they get it.

Avneet snatched away Sid's phone and called Abhi brother.......

Abhi: Haan! Why did you cut the call? I was worried.

Avneet: nothing Brother. Someone came there. Now just say how to get the Royal diamond of POWERS RULE from you.

Abhi: okay . Do one thing. Inform everything to Faiz and let him come and collect it from me. As faiz has powers to fly , he can reach here faster but make sure no one doubts us.

Avneet: okay bro. Call you later.

Then she disconnected the call.

Sid: Are you mad? Are you gonna ask Faiz's help? He is already in search of the royal diamond of POWERS KILL. We even don't know why.

Avneet: Mr.Train , move slow. I'm not gonna tell anything to Faiz. Let's ask Jaan's help. She is a vampire. She can also fly. So she will go to POWERS RULE to get the  Royal diamond.

We three agreed.......


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