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Siddharth POV,

Time went with great difficulty. Now it's time for lunch but still she is not found. As we are not the members of POWERS KILL yet ,we were not allowed to go to the the royal dining hall for lunch. We all were waiting in the room for the servant to bring lunch.

At that time Madan's phone rang. It displayed 'Avneet'.

Man! She! My Avu...... Why did she call Madan? I am here only ,right?

Before Madan Could attend the call, I snatch the phone from him and attend it.

Avu: Madan can you please come to the kitchen?

As soon as I heard her voice I was relieved but why is she calling Madan to the kitchen?

Shall I go?

No I shouldn't.

But I should

No no my plan will be ruined

But I should not hurt her.

I was lost in my thoughts and Madan took the phone from me.


Madan: yeah I'm there.


Madan: why?


Madan: ok I will be there in a minute.

Cut the call and turned towards us.

Madan: ok guys I'll be back in a minute.

He said and we all noded our heads.
Now he left and I had a plan.

Sid: Miss. Anushka please can you help me?

Anu: For what?

Sid: Actually I think I like Avneet.

All except Sid and Anu: ohhhhhhh ( dramatically)

I gave all of them death glare and they chuckled.

Anu: so what should I do for that?

Sid: I want to know whether she likes me back. So.........

Anu: So

Sid: Canyoupleasebeclosewithmeinfrontofher.

Anu: Be slow Sid.

Reem: Can you pleaseeeeeee.....

Faiz: be closeeeeeeeee.....

Jannat: with sidddddd........

Jai: infront of Avu.

All filled the sentence one by one and laughed at me. I rolled my eyes.

Anu: LOVE IS NOT BELIEVED HERE. You will be in trouble if someone gets to know about it.

Sid: please Anuuuuuu

Anu: don't call me that first( irritated ).....Ok! fine but just for a day.

Sid: okkkkkkkk.

Now the door opened and it was none other than Avu and Madan. There where a variety of foods in their hands. It seemed to be delicious .

Avu cooked it or what?

Avneet POV,

That dumbo irritated me a lot in the morning so I decided to cook whatever I know. Even without eating the breakfast ,I went to the kitchen and made lunch. I made many dishes so I was not able to carry it alone and I called Madan for help. We both carried the food to the room.

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