The Doubt

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Siddharth POV,

Avneet and I moved the cupboard and saw a dreadful sight. It was dusky. It was dead. It was injured badly. It had a deep cut in its neck and the blood was dried. No blood came out of its body and the surprising part was dusky having vampire teeth all of a sudden.

We saw around. Even faiz, jaan and Madan saw this sight whereas Reem was still searching. She didn't even look us. But when she turned our side , I am Avu stood straight hiding the dead body of dusky.

Reem: I don't think he is here. I am gonna search other places.

I and Avu looked at each other in not knowing what to do.

Reem: WHAT?

Avneet: that.....thats nothing Reem. We all are really tired. U go and search ,we will join you after a while.

Without a word Reem went out and the others came towards us. We turned to dusky. Madan knelt down and examined dusky.

Avneet: what's all this?(shocked)

Jannat: It seems like some....someone killed it.(cool)

Siddharth: The one who did this , seriously doesn't have a heart .( irritated)

Faizal: it doesn't seems like a human act.

Madan: This situation relates with vampire.( he said examining the dog)

Jannat: WHAT? How are you so sure?

Avneet: Jaan ! Look at dusky. It has vampire teeth.

Siddharth: May be it is attacked by vampire and turned to vampire but it wasn'table to survive because that heartless creature sucked the whole blood of dusky.

Jannat: That's fine or else dusky would have been changed to vampire.

Faizal: but how will we tell this to Reem

Avneet: Nothing could be horrible than that !

Siddharth: we must hide this from Reem.

Avneet: how long?

Madan: Atleast till we find the vampire.

We all nodded, hide the body of dusky back and went in search of Reem. She was missing now.

After searching for a while we found her in the girls room. She was crying sitting in the bed . Avneet and Madan went near her. Reem started crying hard hugging Avneet. Avneet tried to console her.

Reem: Avu, duskyyyyyyy ( she said crying)

Avneet: Don't cry Reem, may be it would have escaped from this castle. ( she lied)

Reem: it would never go without me.

Avneet: shhhhh! Relax.

Avneet started careressing Reem's hair and Reem fell asleep hugging Avu. Avneet made her lay in the bed.

She is very caring. She handled Reem with care and love. I like her.
What! What I am thinking? How can I like her today she tried to kill me only because I woke her up.

After that the day went silently. Jannat made food but no one had the mood of eating. We just ate two to three spoons and left. Reem was sitting in the girls room expressionless.

Skip to Night............

Avneet found a chess board and coins.
Inorder to change the mood of Reem we decided to play chess. We sat in girls room on the floor whereas Reem was sitting in the bed.

I and Jaan were the opponents. We started playing. Reem was looking in the chess board but was lost in her thoughts. Avneet was staring at Reem . Tbh I and Jaan was concentrating on the game.

After I while I saw Avneet leaving the room. I wanted to follow her but I knew she need some time alone.


I had never seen Reem like that before. She always used to be fun but today she was completely broken. I came out of the room and went to the window side . I was exploring the view outside when someone patted by shoulder ...........

I turned to see Madan standing at the back of me.

Avneet: Hi! What are u doing here?

Madan: you came out of the room without saying anything that's why I followed you.

Avneet: I feel very bad for Reem. I don't know why but I feel very bad when Reem is at pain.

Madan: That's called friendship Avu but I am scared for rest of us.

Avneet: This is destiny. What could we do?

Madan: we should find the vampire.

Avneet: how?

Madan: I have doubt on Jannat.

Avneet: ummm..... tbh even I think something is strange in her but how could we say she is a vampire.

Madan: well do you remember Avu, on the 1st day she said she was scared of blood but today she had no weird reaction when she saw dusky.

Avneet: yeah! Even she saw Anabella without fear and she use to remain quite if we speak about supernatural powers. But this won't confirm that she has a vampire.

Madan: whatever it is i will find tomorrow itself.

Siddharth: What are you gonna find?

Avneet: Sid u? When did you came?

Siddharth: well Jannat won the game and now she is playing with faiz . I felt bored so that came here to see you too. Now answer me ,what .are. you .gonna .find tomorrow?

Avneet: Nothing! He told he is gonna find some other games also, uhh..... Like we found this chess.

Siddharth: Are u kidding?

Madan: No! I said that only.

Avneet: yeah! And now you go back they will be waiting. We will join you soon.

Siddharth: but....

Madan: we will come soon don't worry.

Siddharth POV,

I was not satisfied by their answers but I couldn't compel them.

They are hiding something from me. They are ignoring me. Even Avneet
ignoring me and staying close to Madan.

( Author: r u jealous Sid?

Sid: No I am not

Author: Then y u feel bad

Sid: I don't know what but they are ignoring me.

Author: ohhhhhhh

Sid: stup up! You are responsible for all this

Author: ok I'm going. Good Night

Sid: bad night)

Avneet POV,

I felt bad lying to Siddharth. Eventhough we fight always, I never wanted to hurt him. He went from here with a sad face. I felt bad but couldn't help.

After he went, Madan explained me his plan.


Guys! How was it?

Was I really rude with Sid?

What is Madan's plan?

Will Avneet and Madan succeed?

What will Sid do now?

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Stay tuned for answers........

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