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*I don't own Transformers or anything affiliated with Transformers. I only own my original characters and plots. All rights go to Michael Bay and Steven Spielberg.*

A year and a half was more than enough time for me to get my ever-so-complex life back on track. In reality, it didn't take but a month after I returned to school for everything to fall back into its normal routine. I was more than pleased with this and I only prayed that it would remain this way.

I was still very weary about the Decepticons though. They hadn't bothered to make another appearance since my twentieth birthday back in 2009. I knew for sure that they were still out there somewhere, waiting for the perfect opportunity to strike, but I hoped it wouldn't be any time soon. I needed all the peace I could get for now.

Aside from constantly worrying about when the Decepticons were going to show up, my life was running pretty smoothly. After just two years of college, I acquired my degree and was finally ready to start my life.

I moved back down to Washington D.C. and stayed with my parents until I was able to get a job and buy myself an apartment. It didn't take long though. Within a week or so after moving back to DC, I was offered a job as an assistant to Dylan Gould, CEO of Hotchkiss Gould Investments, which I gladly accepted.

The job was absolutely amazing. With my first paycheck alone, I was able to buy an apartment or at least make a down payment on the apartment and even make a down payment on a new car. By the hour, I was normally paid around one-hundred to one-hundred and fifty dollars. Working eight hours a day and five days a week usually left me with a twenty-four thousand dollar paycheck a month. It was ridiculous but Dylan was rich and he didn't particularly care; he handed out money like it was candy.

My job and my boss were absolutely amazing and so much more, but I still wanted nothing more than to be in the army. It was and still is an option for me, but Ironhide and my dad insisted I not join just yet. The two of them claimed that even though I haven't had another encounter with the Decepticons, they were still intent on coming back after me. They told me that if I were to join the army, I would become too easy to track and suggested I get a "low-profile" job for the time being.

Ever since I was seventeen years old, the two of them worried more about my safety than anything else. I was twenty one now, yet nothing had really changed. The only thing even remotely different about the situation now was that Ironhide was just a tad bit more protective over me than my dad was.

It's been at least four years since I've met Ironhide, but he still managed to bring a smile to my face. We were doing fantastically well also. After the incident that happened with Galloway, we only became stronger. He visited me every other week at college just as he promised me he would and he even moved into my apartment with me when I moved back to Washington, well his holoform did. Either way, I was still very much in love with my Cybertronian and it would not change any time soon.

There were few aspects of my life that changed after I got out of college as well as things that didn't change. I still remained friends with Leo, Mikaela, Adalyn, and especially Samuel whom I was proud to call my "big brother".

There were several challenges he faced during the year and a half and one of those included his very abrupt and harsh break-up with Mikaela. No matter what he was going through, he always came to me, especially during that particular time period. He stayed in mine and Adalyn's room for a good week before returning back to his because of how heartbroken he was over losing her. It was only two months later at the White House that he met Carly Spencer, his current girlfriend at the moment. He was head-over-heels in love with her and truthfully, I had never seen him so happy in my life. The sight of it made me happy and I happened to really love Carly. The two of us actually worked together and we were also working together on helping Sam find a job as well.

After graduating, Sam had moved down to Washington DC to find a job, much like I did. The only problem with his job hunt was that he still hasn't found one and it has been a mere three months since the two of us graduated.

He claimed that he should be working with the Autobots or that the government should have at least given him a job here in DC. He said that it wasn't fair, but they paid for his college and he even received a damn medal from the president, the event that just so happened to lead him to Carly. I was lucky enough to be there for it; it was quite an interesting experience.

When Sam and Mikaela's broke up, Mikaela and I actually lost touch for a while, but it eventually picked back up. She was doing fine as well. She lived out in California and owned her own car shop, and to say that I was impressed would be an understatement.

Leo was still back at Princeton. For some odd reason he was studying to be a crime scene investigator. Truthfully, I just couldn't see Leo out on the field like that, especially with the way he freaked out over every little thing. To me, being a CSI wasn't really the job for him, but I was just ready to see how it all played out for him in the long run.

Adalyn was also back at Princeton to finish medical school. It's only been two years, so she still had about six to go. I missed her so much, but I was more than proud of her for pursuing her career and my parents were as well.

They still treated her as one of their own children, much like they did with Braelynn when she was alive. To me, Adalyn was another little sister and I loved her just as much as I loved my obnoxious five year old sister Annabelle. I absolutely loved my family though and there was nothing that I wouldn't do for them.

Speaking of family, though, the Autobots fell into that category just as much as Adalyn and Sam did. For the past year and a half, especially over the summer, we all just grew closer and closer with each other.

Aside from just Ironhide, they all played a very special role in my life. Ratchet and Jolt took care of me whenever I was sick or injured; Optimus was almost like a counselor to me. He was the wisest out of them all and always knew what to say to make me feel better; Bumblebee was normally the Autobot I went to when I wanted to just relax, though he and I got into a lot of unimaginable trouble together; Dino was the Autobot who tried to keep me out of trouble, just like Ironhide did. He and Sideswipe also did a very good job at helping me heighten my agility and bettering my fighting techniques.

Que taught me about anything and everything there was to know about Cybertron and the technology used on their planet. It always managed to interest me and Que even built me a special ray gun that they used though mine was smaller to accommodate to my human size. Ironhide didn't like it though. He felt that I was too "trigger happy" and dealing with something as complex as one of their ray guns could end very badly. He had it dismantled and now the model of it was in a shadow box frame in my bedroom.

I really didn't have much to say for the Twins. They were still the same to me as they were in 2007, my Autobot brothers as I loved to call them. We had a love/hate relationship now though. I loved them to death but they were becoming far too troublesome. I was honestly surprised they hadn't killed anybody with their antics yet. If it weren't for Ironhide, Optimus, and Bumblebee attempting to keep them on track, they probably would have.

Wheelie and Brains lived with Sam and Carly so the only times I ever saw them was when I was over there and that wasn't really much. The two of them normally came over to my house.

Last but not least were The Wreckers Topspin, Roadbuster, and Leadfoot. The three of them definitely knew how to give a girl a beating. They were part of the reason why I was so damn tough but I didn't complain about it.

I loved them all to death. They protected me and they watched over me. They were my family and I would do absolutely anything for them no matter what the circumstances were.

The only problem was that in the three months I had been in DC, I hadn't really been down to the base much or seen many of the Autobots. The Autobots, mostly Dino, Sideswipe, Optimus, and Bumblebee, had been off taking care of human problems around the globe. It was truly quite upsetting that the human species was becoming so stupid that the Autobots were being called in to take care of their problems. It just didn't make sense to me.

Aside from that, I was really enjoying my life. Things were looking up for me; I had a nice-paying job, my own place to live, I had not only one, but two cars now, a wonderful lover, a fantastic family, and amazing friends. I couldn't ask for anything better at the moment.

*Please vote and comment. It'd mean so much to me. I wanna know what you guys think.*

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