Don't Leave Me

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*I don't own Transformers or anything affiliated with Transformers. I only own my original characters and plots. All rights go to Michael Bay and Steven Spielberg.*

So many thoughts filled my head as we drove down the street. Just five hours ago I was more than happy, relieved even, that my life would finally be returning to normal. The Decepticons were finally gone. How could someone, especially Sam or myself, not be incredibly happy with the day's events? The only thing that I could think about after the battle ended was how thrilled I was with the fact that I could now live in peace with Ironhide, the Autobots, and my family, which also included my mother and my baby sister.

I definitely wasn't ready for what Adalyn had to say to me once I got out of the shower, I wasn't ready at all. The last time I had even spoken to the two of them was the day Ironhide had to watch over Annabelle, and even then I had only spoken to my mom that morning and that was almost a week ago. Now there was only a twenty percent chance of me ever speaking to them again and it literally broke my heart. I didn't know what to think about it. I had already lost so many that I cared about. I couldn't lose two of the most important people in my life. .I just couldn't. Anna was five years old for goodness sake's. She was too young to die. She had her whole entire life ahead of her. It wasn't fair and it was a shame that this was what I had to face once I returned home.

As soon as Ironhide parked, I jumped out of his cabin. I knew that he, Adalyn, and Leo were following closely behind me, but I couldn't be bothered to wait on them. My mom and my sister were my main priorities at the moment.

I ran through the hospital entrance, not caring about the many eyes on me. Once I spotted the woman at the information desk, I ran over, slightly startling her with my sudden proximity.

"Annabelle and Sarah Lennox. What rooms are they in?" I asked frantically.

She typed quickly on her computer and frowned before looking back up at me. I could now feel three bodies behind me.

"I have on here that the five year old, Annabelle Lennox, has just recently passed away, but Sarah Lennox is in ICU, room six-fourteen," she told me.

I pressed my lips into a hard line to keep from crying right there. Without another word, I ran off for the stairs. At the moment I just didn't have time to wait for an elevator. I wasted no time in taking off up the stairs. The sixth floor was quite a ways away, but I didn't care. I pulled the staircase door open and stepped onto the sixth floor, immediately running up to the desk.

"Where's room six-fourteen?" I asked the woman.

She pointed down the hallway and I quickly ran down it, examining the numbers on the doors. Soon enough, I came to room 614 and stepped in, only stopping at the horrifying sight in front of me. My mom lay in the hospital bed, all kinds of wires hooked up to her body. I stepped further in, slowly walking over to her bed. I could barely even recognize her. The sight almost made me sick. What the hell had they done to her?

I grabbed a chair and moved it closer to her bed. What caught my attention, though, as I went to sit down, was the hospital bed beside her that wasn't even made. I could very faintly see the tiny blood stains the sheets had and I could also make out the small body imprint in the mattress. A single tear slid down my face when I realized that it had to have been Anna's bed. I sat down and grabbed my mother's hand in my own; it was cold, almost like a block of ice. She was slowly slipping away and before long she would be gone, just as Annabelle already was. One look at her face caused a loud sob to escape my mouth. A small, warm hand was now resting on my back and I didn't need to turn around to know that it was Adalyn; she had probably forced Ironhide and Leo to keep out of the room and I didn't blame her. I would much rather them not see me like this.

"I didn't even get to say goodbye," I whispered.

"I'm so sorry that you had to come home to this, Lea," her voice sounded.

I just cried harder. "Why would they do this?"

"Like you said, they'll hurt anyone to get what they want," she answered me.

My anger and sadness was beginning to mix and that wasn't a good thing. "But Anna was only five. She was five years old!"

"They don't care, Lea." I just sighed and placed my forehead down onto my mother's hand. "I called your dad. He should be here momentarily. And also, Sam called me not too long ago. They got to his parents too, only it wasn't as bad of an attack as it was on your mom and sister. They're in stable condition down at Sibley," she told me.

I squeezed my eyes shut and cried. This couldn't be happening to me. My sister was already gone and there was basically no chance in my mom ever waking up. Everything was just happening far too fast for my brain to keep up with. No matter what, something bad always had to happen to me. The universe was punishing me for no good reason at all and truthfully, I was just waiting to be struck dead. It would be a lot less painful than dealing with this and I thought going through Braelynn's death was difficult. .

"Please don't leave me, momma," I pleaded with her even though I knew she couldn't hear me.

What have I ever done to deserve this?

"Oh my gosh," Adalyn whispered.

At first I didn't exactly know what she was talking about, but once I heard that ever-so-annoying beeping noise come to a halt, I shot my head up. The heart monitor beside her bed now displayed nothing but a flat line. My eyes widened and my breathing picked up. I looked up at my mom and stood up, placing a hand on her cold face.

"No, you have to wake up. Please wake up, mom. Please!" I exclaimed loudly.

I felt Adalyn place her hand around my arm but I yanked away from her. By now, dozens of nurses and maybe even Ironhide, Leo, and my dad were coming into the room, but I didn't care. I was too focused on trying to wake up my dead mother.

"Wake up! Please!" I yelled as I patted her face with my hand.

"Someone get her out of here please," I voice I didn't recognize called.

The next thing I knew, I was being tore away from my mom. There was no doubt that it was Ironhide. I struggled in his grip, yelling repeatedly for my mom, the tears streaming down my face. No matter how hard I attempted to get free, it just wasn't happening for me. He was too strong for me. I could also feel multiple eyes on me as Ironhide dragged me out of the room, but once again, I didn't care. All I wanted was my mom and my baby sister; all I cared about was my mom and my baby sister who were so unfairly taken away from me.

Once the room was out of sight, Ironhide put me on the ground, but held on tightly to my arms to keep me from running away from him.

"Azalea," he spoke. I just shook my head and looked down at the floor. All he did was pull me to him. I didn't even have the energy to hug him back so I just stood there and cried in his arms. "I'm so sorry this has happened to you, Lea."

Finally, I mustered up enough strength to wrap my arms around his waist, my fingers clutching the fabric of his shirt tightly. I was feeling slightly scared that he would disappear too. If that happened, I would never be able to get through anything, let alone living my life.

"Please don't leave me," I whimpered.

He sighed and planted a kiss to the crown of my head. "I'm not going anywhere, Azalea. You can bet your life on that, kid."

*Please vote and comment. It'd mean so much to me. I wanna know what you guys think.*

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