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"Okay let me get this straight, he wants you to learn some extraordinary dark magic?" Draco asked as the duo sat in Stella's room under a blanket with Stella's wand lighting it up

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"Okay let me get this straight, he wants you to learn some extraordinary dark magic?" Draco asked as the duo sat in Stella's room under a blanket with Stella's wand lighting it up.

It was very late at night and this was the only way the duo could discuss over whatever they wanted without anyone keeping a watch on them.

"Yeah." Stella nodded,"But I don't want to. I mean it's not that I'm not interested in learning."


"I know that he'll use me against Harry." Stella gulped, leaning her head back on the wall.

"So what have you decided?" Draco asked after a while.

"I don't know." Stella sighed,"If I deny, he'll probably think of a way to push me to the edge where I'll have no other option rather than agreeing."

"Right." Draco muttered under his breath.

"I wanted to ask you something." Draco said after a minute of sitting in silence as Stella gestured him to go on.

"Why have we pulled up this blanket over our heads?" Draco inquired,"I mean if someone barges inside, they can clearly make out that there are two figures inside this."

"This sounds exciting." Stella sheepishly replied running her eyes over the blanket above her head.

"You're unbelievable." Draco chuckled lightly,"Now get sleeping."

"Fine." Stella smiled as Draco removed the covers off him and walked to the door before muttering a good night to his only friend.

The day dawned crisp and clear. Sunshine poured through Stella's room but she didn't even budge once ; Draco and sleep were her only escape from the life she was living in.

"Ella!" The door barged open causing Stella to mutter some curse words under her breath.

"Get up." Draco laughed as Stella rubbed her bleary eyes.

"Pansy! Daphne!" Stella exclaimed pulling the two girls in a bear hug,"I missed you guys!"

"Why did you and Draco left without any notice?" Daphne frowned once she pulled away from the hug.

"Uh oh...." Stella trailed off, looking at Draco for help.

"Stella was coughing badly and Madam Pomfrey advised us to take her to St. Mungos." Draco made up a lie,"Dumbledore helped us to get to St. Mungos before he... died - was killed, And as I was a perfect and one of Stella's friend, he allowed me to go with her."

"I'm a prefect and Stella's sis- I mean I could have accompanied her too." Pansy pouted.

"Yeah but you were busy sleeping." Stella awkwardly laughed.

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