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"Stella." Snape called, getting up from his seat.

​​​​​​the girl frowned at the professor for using her first name but nonetheless, turned around and looked at the professor with a questioning look.

"Do you know who you are?" Asked Snape, his face holding a blank expression.

"what do you mean?" Stella was confused as hell at that moment.

"answer my question." Snape calmly said, his gaze fixed on the girl in front of him.

"I am Stella." The girl answered , looking straight at the man in front of her before continuing,"Just Stella."

"No, you are Stella Evelyn Riddle." Corrected Snape while walking upto where Stella stood whose gaze was fixed on the headmaster,"The girl who's believed to be the helping hand of Harry Potter ; the daughter of the dark Lord , who can make him stronger. The girl who holds the power to save the entire wizarding world from the terror of the dark lord."

"sorry but I don't understand. What's that supposed to mean?"

"What I am just going to confide you with must not get out of your system, ever." Snape warned, causing the girl to grow anxious.

"Yes." Stella reluctantly nodded, motioning him to go on.

"Years ago, a prophecy was made that the boy born at the end of the month July holds the power to vanquish the dark lord , who we now know is Harry Potter." Stella nodded,"on the same day, there was another prophecy, according to which a girl born in the family of powerful wizards belonging to the family of Salazar Slytherin would be a helping hand of Harry. She holds the power to save the world from wrath and terror of the dark lord. But the dark lord mistook it, he thought that the girl holds immeasurable powers who'll help him to rule over the world."

"So I guess the girl is me?" Stella raised one of her eyebrows.

"Yeah indeed it's you, but nobody else knew about it except me, Dumbledore and the dark lord. You were kept hidden from the rest of the world because the dark lord knew about your powers. We never knew that the girl was you until that day at the astronomy tower."

Stella felt all the haunting memories of the ungrateful night flowing inside her head.

"You knew about the girl but didn't know it was me?" Stella gulped, her body shaking slightly.

Snape nodded before taking a deep breath,"now the most important thing. That day at Godric's Hallow when the dark lord went to kill Harry Potter, the curse rebounded and a part of the dark lord's soul latched itself into the only living being present in the room which was Harry."

Stella's eyes widened in horror as she stumbled back, clasping both of her hands on her mouth. Tears blurred her vision, forming white,snow like spots in front of her eyes.

"So Is Harry....?" Stella trailed off, regaining her posture.

"Yes Harry Potter is one of the horcrux." Snape approved.

Stella felt a sob escaping her lips as she put all the missing pieces together. If Harry is a horcrux it means that he'll have to die . Stella shook her head violently before collapsing on the floor, feeling a huge rush of adrenaline inside her body. Breathing became difficult for her as the air around her choked her throat. Snape pitifully watched the girl breaking down in front of her.

"No no... this can't..be true." Stella kept assuring herself, wrapping her hands around her knees.

"I wa-"

"No, you're lying!" Screamed Stella, her eyes now as red as blood,"You're a death eater! Why do you all of a sudden started caring about Harry! Everyone knows you hate him!"

"Somethings are better that way." Snape sadly smiled.

"Isn't there any way to save him?" Stella cried , begging for any sort of help.

"Maybe." Snape shrugged,"Maybe not. But you can save many more innocent lives . If you want to. All these past years I've seen you giving up your happiness for the sake of your friends. You've stood up for what is right. Your mother would be very proud of you. She's watching you from above and must be smiling at how strong you are."

Stella cried more upon the mention of her mother. Stella just wanted to run away to her mother and set her head in her mother's lap, feeling her motherly touch.

There is a void that can never be filled, because there is no other love in this world like the love of a mother.

Stella knew that what Snape just said was true, so true. Her mother would have wanted her to stand up for truth. Her mother and Michael who died saving Stella didn't die in vain. This was her time to save other's loved ones from the cruel curse of death. Stella closed her eyes , trying to speak to her mother to send her all the love and courage she would be needing.

​​​​​​The wind blew through the open window and Stella felt the storm inside her calming down. The wind caressed her cheeks and hair and Stella felt the motherly touch. It was ecstatic.

Wiping her tears, Stella stood up and clenched her fists.

"What do I need to do?"

"Are you sure you're ready?" Snape asked.

"I've never been so ready." Stella stated,"I'm ready to do anything I can to save others even if it means dying."

"Earn his trust and at last you'll have to fight the dark lord."


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