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Stella was lazily chewing on her breakfast while Daphne was going on about the essays she still hadn't completed

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Stella was lazily chewing on her breakfast while Daphne was going on about the essays she still hadn't completed.

"Ella!" Daphne whined, bringing the girl out of her never ending thoughts.

"Wot?" Stella awkwardly laughed, turning to look at her best friend.

"Hey elllaaaaa!!" Pansy grinned, taking a seat besides her used to be sister causing Daphne to raise one of her eyebrows.

"Hi Pansy." Stella smiled while Pansy served herself some breakfast.

"I thought you two weren't talking with each other." Daphne frowned.

"We talked about it." Pansy answered,"And now we are good."

"That's great." Daphne heartily smiled.

"Can I sit here?" The three girls raised their heads up to find Michael Davis standing in front of them with a wide smile on his face.

"Sure." Daphne smirked causing Stella to throw a glare at her best friend.

"How are you guys?" Michale asked, taking a seat in front of them.

"We are good, we are good." Daphne smiled,"How are you?"

"Oh I'm fine." Michael responded before moving his gaze towards Stella,"It's been ages since I last talked to you."

"Stella." He added causing Pansy to cough and throw a smirk at Stella.

"Oh yes." Stella chuckled awkwardly,"I was just... I was just busy with school work."

"I understand." Michael nodded,"Sixth year is just so exhausting."

"Michael!" A boy with brownish black hair, waved from the end of the slytherin table, gesturing his friend to come over,"Come on."

"Uh oh, I need to go." Michael apologised, quickly walking away to his friends.

Stella's eyes wandered over the great hall when her eyes fixed with the green ones. Stella waved lightly with a small smile on her face while Harry's face lit up.

"Stop it." Stella groaned when she found Daphne smirking at her and letting out fake coughs,"It's annoying."

Katie Bell made her way inside the Great Hall causing many heads to shoot up and look at her.

"She's back." Daphne murmured, intently watching the Gryffindor.

Stella watched as Harry jogged over to Katie to have a small talk with her.

"Stop staring at him." Daphne laughed,"Its creepy."

"Come on, I'm not staring." Stella rolled her eyes, returning back to her food.

Stella's heart wept when she saw Draco entering the Great Hall with a very tired and heartbreaking expression on his face. He loosened his tie and was about to walk further inside but stopped when he saw Harry looking at him suspiciously.

Stella frowned and watched in fear when suddenly Draco ran out of the hall with Harry following him. Stella immediately stood up in reflex as Daphne and Pansy looked at her with a worried look on their faces.

"Ella?" Pansy called when suddenly Stella flung from her seat and ran out of great hall. She had to stop Harry.

"I'll be back soon." Stella yelled, waving at them.

Running through the corridors, Stella accidentally bumped into a ravenclaw whose pile of books fell down.

"I'm sorry!"Stella yelled before making her way away from the ravenclaw girl she bumped into. She passed the boys washroom when she saw water flowing out of the washroom.

Stella stopped in her tracks and peeked slightly to find Harry pointing his wand at Draco. Stella was still trying to process as to what was going on when Draco fell on the floor, splashing the water around him.

Moaning Myrtle let out a deafening scream.


The door banged open behind Harry and he looked up, terrified: Snape had burst into the room, his face livid.

A gasp escaped Stella's lips as she felt her body going numb and she just stared at the boy who was now laying down on the floor with blood oozing out of his body.

Snape walked past her, bumping with her shoulders, bringing her back to earth.

"Draco." Stella cried, kneeling down besides her friend. Snape pressed his wand to Draco's chest as the blood seeped back inside his body. Snape scooped Draco in his arms and rushed out of the bathroom.

"Stella." Harry croaked out but Stella didn't even look at him once and ran out, following Snape.

Stella was waiting outside the infirmary, holding back her tears while Madam Pomfrey was checking out Draco's wounds. When a little later, Stella was allowed to go inside, her heart almost break on how pallid Draco looked.

His eyes were shut while he looked extremely sick and tired. With trembling hands, Stella took out a chair for her and sat besides Draco as Madam Pomfrey shot her a pitiful look.

Patting Stella's shoulders, Madam Pomfrey left her alone with Draco.

"I'm so sorry." Stella sobbed, digging her fingers in her palm,"I'm sorry that I couldn't help you. I'm so sorry."

All she got was silence which was bothering Stella a lot. Not being able to hold back the tears which were threatening to fall, Stella left the infirmary and sat on one of the places between the two pillars.

Meanwhile, Harry was looking for the girl who didn't even glance once at him. He knew she was hurt and it was all because of him.

The eyes which always used to be sparkling and happy were now weeping. All because of him. The first place he searched was the infirmary but Stella wasn't there.

Letting out an annoying huff, Harry left the hospital wing and was about to walk back to the Gryffindor Common room when he heard someone crying. He instantly recognised the voice and ran towards the source of the voice.

It felt like he has fallen into a cactus, and his heart has been punctured a million times over by tiny pins when he saw the poor girl, trying to muffle her cries.

She was constantly trying to wipe her tears with the sleeve of her cloaks but to no avail as more made their way down.

"Stella." Harry gulped causing the morose girl to look at him,"Stella I'm so-"

"No." Stella stopped him,"Don't talk to me!"

"Stella try to understand." Harry tried, taking a step towards Stella but she backed away.

"Understand what?" Stella yelled, tears continuously flowing down her cheeks,"That you almost killed a student who happened to be my friend?"

"I didn't mean-"

"Stop it Harry." Stella cried, attempting to walk away but Harry stopped her by grabbing her wrist.

"Leave me." Stella screamed, struggling under his grasp.

"Stella I know I committed a mistake." Harry apologised, tears clogging his eyes,"But I didn't mean to. I didn't know what the spell did."

"You almost killed him Harry!" Stella cried,"He... He looks so sick. It hurts me to see him like that!"

"I'm sorry." Harry apologised again. 

"I don't need your sorry." Stella yelled, removing Harry's grip from her wrist,"Stay away."

With that, Stella ran away from there, leaving the heartbroken boy alone.

A/N: I'm sad :(

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