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The platform number 9 quarters 3/4 was packed with the students, witches and wizards like always. Stella managed to push past the people and stood in front of the train.

"Hurry up girls!" Mr. Parkinson shrieked when the whistle for the last call blew.

"Take care." Mrs. Parkinson smiled, hugging her two daughters.

"I love you mother." Pansy smiled while Stella placed a kiss on her mother's cheek before scurrying on the train. Searching for a compartment, Stella bumped into none other than the boy who lived.

She looked up to meet the green eyes which never failed to mesmerized her. Harry just gave her a sorry look while Ron threw a nasty glare and followed his friend.

"Ella!" Pansy screeched,"What are you doing there? Come here."

With that, Pansy dragged her sister in the compartment where all her friends were seated down.
"Drakey!!" Pansy squealed, making stella roll her eyes in annoyance.

"Hey ella." Blaise greeted her, making some space for her to sit.

"Thank you." Stella mumbled, sitting down besides Blaise while Pansy sat besides Draco.

"I just saw Potter." Pansy said out of nowhere,"I thought he was expelled."

"Yeah, looks like Dumbledore saved his poor ass." Draco sniggered as Stella mentally groaned and averted her attention to the passing trees.

 She knew that the first thing that would come out of Draco's mouth would be something about Harry Potter. The news about Harry getting expelled had spread like fire and to say that Stella didn't care about it would be so wrong. She always had this soft spot for the boy who lived which nobody knew about and it was better that way. She felt pity for the boy who lost his parents at such a young age and now has a dark wizard hunting him.

There was something more about Stella Parkinson. She wasn't like her sister which was quiet obvious, for Stella didn't like when people made fun of a person when he/she should be showered with love. Treating people with kindness was on the top of the list for Stella, be it a Gryffindor, a Ravenclaw or any person, she treated them utmost love and kindness.

Her thoughts drifted to the encounter she had with the boy who lived while she was searching for a compartment. Those green eyes, which held so many emotions that Stella wished she could find them all but again, she can't do that.

 If her sister finds out that Stella had a crush on the boy who lived since year one, she was getting sued by her parents. The biggest secret of her life was that she wrote a letter to the boy who lived last year when everybody accused Harry of cheating to get in the tri wizard tournament. It wrenched her heart when people treated him with so much hate. 

She didn't understand why a fourteen year boy would put his name in the most dangerous tournament when he already had enough dangers in his life. Someone told her that he was doing it to gain fame but didn't he are has that? That is why, she had wrote a letter to him, explaining about how she felt that it wasn't Harry who had put his name in the goblet and that she trusted him.

 Harry was taken aback when he got the letter. He searched for a name but all he got was 'The girl who trusts'. At first, Harry thought that it was a joke but when he read the paper again, it made him realise that the girl who wrote the letter truly trusts him. 

"You here?" Blaise asked, waving his hands in front of Stella to have her attention.

"Oh yeah?" Stella replied, breaking away from her pool of thoughts as her cheeks grew hot due to embarrassment.

"I was asking about how was your summer?" Blaise repeated his question.

"Alright." Stella muttered.

"You're not in the mood to talk?" He asked, looking at the expression on her face.

"No." Stella honestly replied as Blaise just gave her a small nod, turning his attention to his other friends.

When they reached Hogwarts, Stella hopped down the train when she was engulfed in a hug by Daphne Greengrass.

"I missed you so much!" Daphne muttered, squeezing her friend tightly.

"I-I c-can't breathe." Stella managed to croak out, gasping for breath.

"Sorry not sorry." Daphne muttered sheepishly as stella grinned and put her one-hand around Daphne's shoulders while following Draco, Pansy and Blaise.

"I'm surprised the ministry is still letting you walk around free, Potter." Draco leered as Stella's head shoot up to find Harry, Hermione and Ron walking besides Draco and his gang,"You better enjoy it while you can. I expect there's a cell in Azkaban with your name on it." 

A big frown appeared on Stella's face as she saw Harry's eyes burning with anger. 

"Just stay away from us!" Harry shouted as Draco and his gang, walked away while laughing their ass off. 

"Are you okay?" Daphne asked, keeping her hand on Stella's shoulders. 

"Yeah why." Stella answered which came out a little harsh. 

"You're fuming with anger." Daphne muttered softly as Stella realised how she was clenching her Jaws while her hands was rolled in a fist. 

"Sorry. Let's go." Stella nervous laughed, changing the topic to escape the situation. 


A/N: yeah, she's a directioner okay haha. 

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