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Stella carried her bag on her shoulder as the students left for the summer. Stella had witnessed some extremely dangerous and dark times in her fifth year. 

When she woke up on the hospital bed with a bandage around her head, it soon flooded her head what had happened. All the things she saw were just a mere vision, to get Harry Potter.

Stella came out of her thoughts when Micheal Davis accidentally bumped his shoulder with hers.
"Sorry." He muttered, quickly walking away. 

Draco and his gang walked in front of her, completely ignoring her after what she did. Daphne never wanted to leave her best friend alone but she didn't want to loose her friendship with Draco and Pansy, so she too ignored Stella. 

But Stella didn't care. She has her other friends but the place which Draco and Daphne had  acquired couldn't be filled by anybody else.

Over the past few days, she has been constantly thinking about the prophecy she heard and it was worrying her a lot. Lucius Malfoy had explained that the prophecy could be read by the one for whom it is made. That could mean only one thing ; it was Stella's prophecy. But her name is Stella Parkinson not Stella Evelyn.

"Hey Stella?" Shaking away her thoughts, Stella turned around when she heard her name being called.

"Oh yes." Stella smiled as Hermione walked up to her.

"Will you like to sit with us?" Hermione asked, chuckling awkwardly,"I mean, looks like your friend don't care so you can join us..."

"Ron won't like it." Stella tried to explain.

"He was the one who advised me to ask you." Hermione laughed as Stella looked at Ron who was watching them but quickly looked away.

"Strange." Stella muttered, chuckling at the end,"let's go."

"Hey." Ron greeted, acting like he was surprised seeing Stella with him.

"Hi." Stella smiled and turned to Harry who was lost in his own world. She didn't disturb him as she knew how he must be feeling. 

The quartet pulled their luggage and kept it in the compartment before settling down. Stella sat besides Harry while Ron and Hermione sat in front of them. Harry looked out of the windows as the three of his friends exchanged a worried glance.

"Harry..." Stella started, keeping her hand on his shoulder,"I know it must be difficult for you. But you need to stay strong."

"Yeah." Harry nodded, turning to look at her,"Thanks."

"Well, what's wrong with your so called friends?" Ron asked, looking at the Slytherin.

"I don't know." Stella sighed,"They are just upset that I kept on lying to them and joined you all." Hermione shot her a sympathetic look,"And I know what I am going to face at home."

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