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"I warned you!" The dark lord snarled as he was seated on a king size chair and his wand was on the neck of the man who was sitting on the floor, his hands folded like he was praying

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"I warned you!" The dark lord snarled as he was seated on a king size chair and his wand was on the neck of the man who was sitting on the floor, his hands folded like he was praying. Praying for mercy.

"I t-tried to stop h-her." The man whose head was hung low, stuttered. His whole body was shaking, sweat beads covered his forehead while his eyes poured tears.

"You're going to pay for it!" The dark Lord yelled, his eyes burning with rage and fury.

Stella's eyes widened in horror as she fell down on the floor, her hands clasped on her mouth to prevent herself from screaming. "No..." She cried, trying to save the man whom she recognised as her father,"Leave him please."

"Stella stay behind!" The dark Lord thundered making the vulnerable girl flinch under the tone which could froze someone's blood.


"ella!" Daphne shook the girl crying in her sleep,"ella!"

"Oh god." Pansy groaned, pacing around in her dorm,"What the heck happened to her now?"

Stella opened her eyes, trying to catch her breath as Daphne just stared at her best friend. Stella sat up on her bed as Pansy handed her a glass of water which Stella finished in just one go. 

"Are you okay?" Daphne asked, removing the strands of Stella's hair which fell in front of her face. 

"Yes." Stella pushed the words out, wiping the sweat off her forehead,"J-Just a n-nightmare." 

"oh, go to sleep now." Daphne said, rubbing Stella's arms in a comforting way. Nodding, Stella laid down on her bed as Daphne covered her with the blanket and walked back to her bed. 

Pansy stole a glance at her sister's condition before scampering to her bed. Stella tried to forget about the painful nightmare she just witnessed but it wasn't easy. 

She constantly flipped on her bed, her head throbbing with pain. Glancing at the clock which showed that it was six in the morning, Stella removed the blanket from her and strolled in the bathroom. 

Quickly putting on her robes, she exited the Slytherin common room and stopped in front of the black lake. She could see just a few students walking around when the boy with raven black hair caught her eye. 

"Hey!" Harry waved from a distance, making his way towards the Slytherin girl. 

Meekly, Stella smiled a little. 

"Are you okay?" Harry frowned,"You look exhausted." 

"Um yeah." Stella shrugged,"Just a nightmare." 

"You're getting nightmares too?" 

"What do you mean by too?" Stella raised one of her eyebrows,"You're getting them too?" 

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