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Later the next day, Stella found out that Umbridge banned all clubs. The only way they could be reformed was with permission from Umbridge herself.

She let out an annoying sigh, turning her head away from the board that was hanging on the wall. She spotted the trio in the crowd of students who walked upto her. 

"How did she find out?" Ron scowled, throwing a nasty glare at the Slytherin standing in front of him. 

"Excuse me?" Stella frowned, offended by his words,"What do you even mean?" 

"You told her, didn't you?" Ron accused. 

"No. Shut up!" Stella defended herself. 

"She didn't Ron!" Hermione tried to explained, gesturing them to walk away from the crowd. 

"You're so naive!" Ron complained,"Just because she told that she won't tell anybody" He pointed at Stella,"You trust her."

"Ron, she can't have done because." Hermione started explaining,"I put a hex on that piece of parchment everyone signed. Believe me, if she would have told Umbridge, we'll surely know that it's her." 

"I don't understand." Harry spoke for the first time. 

"I fabricated the spell so that, in a sense, it'll make Eloise Midgen's acne look like freckles." 

"Wicked." Stella chuckled,"You never fail to impress me, Miss Granger." 

The two Gryffindors let out a laugh except Ron who still didn't trust the Slytherin girl. 

"Well did you guys find any place?" Stella asked as the she walked with the trio to the Great Hall, earning weird and strange looks from other students. 

"Oh yeah, we almost forgot to inform you." Hermione chuckled awkwardly,"Neville found the Room of Requirement."

"Room of requirement?" Stella repeated,"Isn't it a secret room which only appears when a person is in great need of it?"

"Yes." Harry nodded.

"Looks like Hogwarts wants us to use our potential rather than just mugging up whatever shit that Pink poof teaches." Stella muttered causing others to chuckle,"Well I'll see you guys, bye." 

With that, She walked over to the Slytherin table, serving some breakfast for herself. 

"New friends?" Daphne asked, raising her eyebrows. 

"Mhmm." Stella nodded sheepishly before scooping a spoonful of bacon in her mouth. 

"What were you doing with Potter and his friends?" Pansy screeched, sitting besides her sister who rolled her eyes. 

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