- seventeen -

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Stella sat in the Great Hall along with Daphne while eating her breakfast when her eyes fell on the Gryffindor table

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Stella sat in the Great Hall along with Daphne while eating her breakfast when her eyes fell on the Gryffindor table. Ron looked petrified. Stella realised that it was his first match today, that too against Slytherin. She didn't want to go over to the Gryffindor table but it looked like she didn't had any choice.

"Imma just go and wish Ron a good luck." She informed Daphne with a mouthful of mashed potatoes.

"okay." Daphne hummed before taking a sip of her pumpkin juice. 

Stella looked around for Pansy and when she couldn't find her, she quietly walked towards the Gryffindor table when her eyes locked with Harry. "All the best Ron." Stella wished, completely ignoring Harry's constant gaze on her.

"Bloody hell Stella!" Ron exclaimed, keep his hands on his chest,"You gave me a heart attack!"

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to." Stella apologised,"I know you'll do awesome."

"Thanks.." Ron reluctantly nodded. 

Giving a last smile, Stella turned around to leave when Hermione stopped her,"Won't you wish Harry?"

Stella looked at Harry for a few seconds before replying,"No."

Stella turned around to leave and could hear Hermione throwing several questions towards Harry. Daphne and Stella made their way out after they were done with their breakfast. 

Stella stood in the stands with Daphne on her side, cheering and clapping with a huge smile on her face. A slytherin chaser headed towards the Gryffindor goals where Ron gazed at the chaser nervously. The chaser hit the quaffle and Ron scooped down just in time and saved the goal. The Gryffindor's stands erupted in cheers and applauds.

"Wait, where's Draco?" Stella suddenly asked when she noticed that Draco was missing.

"I dunno." Daphne shrugged.

The game ended with Gryffindor winning the match. "Ron, you nailed it!" Stella laughed as she was walking with the golden trio in the quidditch stadium.

"Thanks." Ron blushed.

"Stella." Harry started, trying to catch up with the girl,"Can we talk?"

As much as Stella wanted to say no, her heart forced her to say yes.

"Sure." Stella shrugged as the two of them walked towards stands where there was less chaos.

"I'm sorry for snapping you that day." Harry apologised,"I know I shouldn't have blamed Draco without any proof. I'm really sorry."

"Next time take care." Stella warned, her hands crossed across her chest.

"I will." Harry smiled,"Forgive me? Please?"

"Okay." Stella nodded, trying to keep a stern face but she ended up smiling at him.


"Bloody hell!" Ron exclaimed when his potion started overflowing from the cauldron.
Stella let out a giggle earning a glare from Ron. 

"You can't do anything without Hermione's help." Stella smirked, stirring her own potion while Hermione threw a glare towards Stella. 

"I can." Ron protested,"I don't need her!" 

"You don't need to shout." Stella scowled when her eyes fell on Harry who was perfectly brewing the potion. 

"How the hell is he doing that?" Stella whispered, leaning closer to Hermione,"He was never this good in Potions." 

"Well, he basically got this book which has all the tips and secrets which you need for doing brilliant at Potions." Hermione explained,"It belongs to the Half blood Prince." 

"Half blood Prince?" Stella repeated,"Who's that?" 

"I tried finding about who he might be but I got nothing." Hermione sighed. 

"That's strange." Stella muttered under her breath. Little later, they were free to go when Ron left them and walked along with Lavender. Hermione let out an annoying sigh and fastened her face so that Stella and Harry were left behind. 

Stella tugged on Harry's robes, stopping him on his tracks and glanced at Ron and Lavender. 

Harry was about to protest but when he saw how cute she looked with her hands on his robes and a worried expression on her face, he just adored her. 

"Explain." Stella demanded as Harry raised one of his eyebrows. 

"What happened to them?" Stella elaborated. 

"Well it's awkward.." Harry started,"Lavender kissed Ron and Hermione wasn't too happy with it. She is upset and Ron acts like he doesn't cares at all." 

"Lavender? Really?" Stella made a puking face,"Out of everyone? If I were a boy, I would never choose someone over Hermione. Ron is mad."

Harry laughed at her sentence while Stella gave him a 'shut up' look.

Later that evening, Stella walked to the owlery, her hands filled with the books she borrowed from library. She was about to enter through the entrance door when she directly came face to face with Harry.

"Oh I'm sorry." Harry immediately apologised, taking a step back.

"It's fine." Stella nervously replied. She was scared that Harry would find out that Sky is her owl.

"What are you doing here?" Harry asked.

"Well I..." Stella tried to speak but stopped when her eyes fell on the book Harry was carrying.

"What's that?" Stella asked, trying to change the topic.

"Potions book." Harry answered, holding up the book.

"Let me see it." Stella demanded, reaching out for the book but Harry held it back,"Come on Harry."

Harry held it over his head as Stella jumped to catch it but Harry quickly pulled it behind his back. That didn't stop Stella from trying to grab the book. And in all this hustle bustle, Stella accidentally dropped her book and all the parchment of the letters she made to write to Harry, scattered on the ground.

"Oh no." She muttered, under her breath, her eyes widening in shock as she quickly tried to pick it up but it was too late as Harry had already picked up one of the parchments. The strawberry hit Harry's nose as a big frown rested on his face.

❝You were the one who wrote me these letters?❞ Harry gasped, picking up the letters which were scattered on the floor as the familiar smell of strawberry hit his nose. 

❝N-No.❞ Stella lied, stuffing the letters inside her book,❝Why will I write a letter to you?❞

 ❝Don't lie.❞ Harry frowned,❝The smell, the handwriting. They are all familiar.❞

"What are you talking about?" Stella laughed.

"You are the girl who trusts?" Harry asked, looking at Stella's blue eyes which were now deep blue colour.

"No." Stella simply replied. 

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