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Disclaimer: I do not own The Maze Runner or any characters in the fanfic except Ella. If I did, however, Newt would be chillin' with the immunes in paradise. #justsayin
"Ella, you're now going to meet the other subjects." A woman's voice said. I looked around and saw a short, pale woman looking at me. "Are you ready?"
I nodded. "Yes." She ushered me into a different room and I saw about twelve boys standing in there, anticipating my arrival.
"There are going to be more but these are going to be the first ones we send up into the Maze Trials." The woman told me.
"H-hi." I said shyly.
"Hi," said a boy with a British accent. "I'm Newt." He held his hand out and I shook it. He was probably only thirteen, but he looked much younger. He had this big goofy grin on his face that just made me want to be happy. He seemed like one of those people that was nice to everyone, I bet he could make friends with a serial killer. A muscular Asian boy stepped up and held his hand out too. "I'm Minho." Everyone stepped up and introduced themselves and it wasn't until a boy named Alby introduced himself that I forgot to tell them my name.
"I'm Ella." I said. Once everyone introduced themselves we just kind of sat around there and did nothing. It was especially awkward for me since all the boys seemed to know each other and I didn't know anyone here.
"Are you nervous?" Another boy named Thomas asked.
"Who, me? Not really."
"Seriously? Wow. I'm just kind of confused by the whole thing. They've already done a couple tests and stuff on us to make sure we're healthy and all that but I have no idea what they're going to make us do." He told me.
"Probably go into the Maze Trials."
"The Maze Trials?" He asked.
"Yeah. It's a new thing they've been working on. It's a piece of land surrounded by a maze that changes every night and it has monsters in it. See how you react and stuff."
"That sounds awful."
"It is. And they wipe your memory before you go in so you don't even know who you are." He shuddered and said, "I hope I don't have to do that."
"You probably will."
A/N: This is just the intro were they all meet. And just in case you were wondering, Ella and Thomas are twelve but everyone else is thirteen in this scene. Picture is of Ella when she was twelve.
Your loving Grey.

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