Chapter Fifteen: Cranks

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The next day the hovercraft was back and so was Ava Paige.

"I hope you've collected all of your supplies that you'll need in the Scorch. We are going to take you now so one at a time you will get into the Berg. We will take you to a dormitory for an hour and you will go through a Flat Trans to get to the Scorch. Remember, WICKED is good." She said. "Your friend Teresa is waiting for you." We all got into the Berg, first Newt and Leah, then Frypan, then Thomas, Minho, me and a couple unnamed Gladers. We all sat on the floor and I could tell that Thomas was especially anxious to see Teresa.

"What do you think they're going to make us do?" Asher whispered in my ear when we were all settled down and the Berg was flying towards the Scorch.

"Die." I responded, my voice full of hope (*sarcasm*).

"Oh, don't talk like that. You're probably one of the strongest and most valuable people here, do you really think they'd let you die? You still have your memory, and so do I, but you have logic. You can figure things out quickly and accurately and you're a lot smarter than some thing and you should use that to your advantage." He replied.

"You know," I said smirking, "if we're ever confronted with the difficult decision of selecting jobs, you should definitely be a motivational speaker."

"Ha, ha very funny." He said dryly.

"I just think you'd be good at it."

"Good at what?"

"Making people feel good." I said, looking down at my fingernails, which were very rough and covered in dirt and Griever slobber, probably.

"Y'know Newt?"

"Well duh," I replied.

"He doesn't not like you, he just can't remember you."

"No, I'm pretty sure he hates me at the moment."

"He doesn't."

"And how would you know?"

"I know."


"I know." He repeated. The flight was long and boring after everyone was settled down and the chatting stopped but it gave me a little time to think to myself. To think about why Newt hates me all of a sudden and why I don't feel like I love him anymore. A week ago I wouldn't believe myself if my brain told me I wasn't in love with him but now my thoughts differ. I don't understand anything that's been going on and more importantly, I don't understand how Leah is here or why. Why would they send up another girl besides me and Teresa? They couldn't possibly need more subjects...? The ride was over before we knew it and we were dropped off in some sort of dormitory-like room with many bunk beds. Leah and I got to go in a different room from the boys and that's where we met up with Teresa.

"Teresa!" I shouted, "I miss you so much." She hugged me and smiled.

"You must be Teresa," Leah said, holding her arm pit to shake. Teresa took it and shook it with a grip she wasn't expecting.

"And you are...?" She asked.

"My name is Leah."

"Who are you?"

"Leah." This made Teresa roll her eyes, Leah obviously didn't know what she meant. We were so tired from everything we went through that as soon as my head hit the pillow I was out. I woke up in the middle of the night to see crazy people, literally insane, banging on the walls and windows shouting, "KILLMEKILLMEKILLME!" Teresa screamed and tried to contact Thomas in her head, but it was no use. Soon enough Minho, Newt, and the other Gladers cake into our room after hearing Teresa's scream.

"Are you guys okay?" Thomas asked.

"Yeah, yeah, we're fine." I replied but Leah was wailing and sobbing on the bed. Newt went over to her and gave her a hug. She kissed him and he scowled at me and raised is eyebrows. I looked away in hurt. "What about you guys?"

"Oh, we're fine but these Crank guys aren't." Minho said.

"Crank guys?"

"Did you not hear what they were calling themselves? 'I am a Crank, KILL ME KILL ME KILL ME'." He said.

"I don't know, I was too preoccupied with them screaming at us and Teresa screaming and Leah wailing like a baby." I responded.

"She was not wailing like a baby. And for your information, a Crank was right by her, almost next to her, and if that was you you'd do the same thing." Newt said defensively.

"Look Newt, I'm not in the mood to fight right now." I told him. He rolled his eyes at me and went back to comforting Leah.

"We need to get out of here." We walked out of the room and we kept bumping into large swinging things so Minho found the light switch and we were all disgusted by what we saw.

It was a bunch of hanging dead bodies.

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