Chapter Sixteen: Going In

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"This is the most creeped out I've ever bloody been." Newt said. I saw Asher sprinting down the hall and was relieved, I was almost worried.

"What's...happening...?" He asked in between breaths.

"Can you see for yourself, shuck face?" Newt asked coldly, almost with a growl. (Early signs of the Flare. *cri*)

"No, actually, all I see is your ugly face." That tipped Newt off because a couple seconds later his fist connected with Asher's face, sending him stumbling to the ground. Minho jumped on top of Newt, trying to make him calm down.

"What the shuck was that for?" Minho asked. Newt looked really stressed and fatigued.

"I-I don't know. I'm sorry." He helped Asher up and turned around. "I need a break." He walked out of the room and everyone looked around in confusion.

"Whatever, let's get out of here. We'll go back to the boys room." Minho said and no one objected. Newt eventually came and he looked a lot more peaceful.

"I'm sorry, guys." He said. Asher was still holding his face, that punch must've really hurt. When he took his hands away there was a big purple bruise on his cheek.

"What are we supposed to do?" I asked.

"Does anyone look like they know?" Newt asked, already getting fired up again.

"Please calm down, Newt, we're trying to figure this out." Thomas said.

"Sorry, Tommy." For some reason Newt would always get fired up and then look ashamed about it, as if he couldn't control it. We waited until morning when Ava Paige was explaining everything again.

"I don't think I've fully explained what we're doing. You guys are subjects in our experiment to help cure the Flare. The Flare is a contagious disease that eats at the brain, making the infected slowly go insane. It's violent, unpredictable. Some people that are in the early stages will get fired up or angry or just really enthusiastic one moment and calm, tired, stressed, or sad the next." When she said this everyone looked to Newt, who looked terrified. "It's dangerous and must be cured. All of you have the disease, but some are immune and some aren't. The immune people have the disease but it doesn't effect them at all while the not immune get the full blow of the disease. What you're going to do today is go into the Scorch. What you're going to do is find the safe haven in two weeks. The rules are that there are no rules. You can do anything you want to get to the safe haven. If you get to the safe haven in the given amount of time you will get a cure for the Flare."

Chatter erupted around the room, causing me to cover my ears because it was so loud.

"Minho," Newt said quietly. "I'm going to die."

"Okay everyone, walk through the Flat Trans and go into the Scorch." Said Ava Paige. We all walked through it and it felt like walking through an icy cold chill. The next thing we know we were standing in a desert, the blistering sun beating on our backs.
So this is the last chapter in the book and I'm making a sequel so stay tuned for that later on. Comment opinions on this story so I can see what to make better for the sequel. It's titled Infected and Conflicted and it's going to be in Newt's POV (most likely).

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