Chapter Ten: Asher

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"On the contrary to what you've all probably heard by now, I'm not sending you into the Scorch." Ava Paige told them the next morning. "Oh, no, I'm doing something so much more. I need all the boys and Teresa to go into the lab room and Ella come with me."

I followed her, knowing better than to disobey. She took me into another white room, exactly like the one I was in only days earlier with Teresa. She asked me to stay in the room while she went to go explain the 'new circumstances' to the boys. I knew I probably didn't have a choice in whether I stay or not and this was confirmed by her locking the door moments later. I sat in the room for your upon hour upon hour and it was probably two days past when she came and unlocked the door. I jumped up from the floor but quickly sat back down, afraid to make another move.

"So, you can now go into your new temporary room where you will be sleeping for a week before the trials." She told me.

"So you are sending us into the Scorch? The Scorch Trials, you called it?" I asked.

"No, we are not sending you into the Scorch. This is much more."

"Much more? How? Much more than what?"

"Much more than the Scorch. That comes after this trial. This trial will only last a couple days and will make you feel terrible, I just want you to know that right now." She smirked.

"How terrible?"

"Let's just say that you'll cry a couple times. Hint: it'll happen again."

"What'll happen again?" I asked suspiciously.

"I'm keeping my mouth shut about that. But this next trial is only the beginning. Over the next couple months you'll find yourself in the maze, the Scorch, and in our labs. If you refuse you die." She replied. She wore this big sarcastic grin that told me that if I were to disobey she would personally behead me. We walked down a couple long hallways into a white room just like the other one, except this room had a bed and a bathroom.

"You're welcome to go wash up then I will bring you your breakfast and you can go to sleep. It's quite late." She said. She left and I went to take a shower. I stripped down and turned the water on. Nice hot water, I thought. I wish I had this a couple days ago. After I was done scrubbing my body and washing my hair I put on some clean clothes and put my hair in a braid with a hair tie that was in the bathroom. I looked in the bathroom mirror at myself. I had paleish skin and blue eyes. My hair was a brown color but I already knew that. It was weird looking in the mirror because I can't remember the last time I have; they didn't have them when I was with WICKED before the Maze. I wasn't very tired so I tried to see if the fire was locked and to my surprise it wasn't. I walked out of my room and saw a hallway with many doors. I went to see if the other doors were locked and the first one I tried wasn't. It was a white room just like mine, with a bathroom and everything. I heard the toilet flush and jumped back a little. I didn't think there was anyone else in here. I waited a couple minutes until a boy came out of the bathroom. He was a tall boy with dirty blonde hair.

"Hello." I said.

"Hi," he replied.

"Aren't you a bit weirded out that someone came into your room?" I asked.

"No, not at all. I'm just happy there are other people here." He said, smiling. "Who are you?"

"Ella." I told him.

"Nice to meet you. I'm Asher." He extended his hand and I shook it.

"Why are yo-" he started but soon got cut off by Ava Paige scolding me about going out of my room. She ushered me back to mine and told me to go to sleep. Seeing as though I had no other option I let my mind wander elsewhere and closed my eyes.
It's about to get good okay, I promise.

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