Chapter Three: Remembering

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"Ella... Ella..." she began, "yeah, I remember that. You would get mad at me when I complained about scrambled eggs." I laughed.
"Yeah, that sounds about right." I said.
"You two," Teresa pointed to Newt and Chuck, "I know you. Newt, Chuck. My friends."
"How does she know who we are?" Newt asked, looking at me. "How do you?"
"I don't know about her but did you expect me to forget you?" I asked.
"Well, no-I mean yes, I'm not sure." He scratched his head. "Who are you?"
I rolled my eyes, "I'm Ella, I just came up from the box."
"Yeah I know that, but who are you- I mean like before you came up in the bloody box."
"Well, if you want to know about why we're here and how we got here and what the Creators want us to do you could just ask. We were sent up here in an experiment. Before we got sent up me, Teresa, and Thomas worked for them. We watched you all being sent up. I saw you in the cameras. You, you jumped. That's when I stopped. I never saw Chuck or Thomas or Teresa in here. Before we went with the Creators, who are called WICKED, sun flares scorched the earth. It's a desert. A disease, the Flare, came from it. It makes you go insane and we all have it. Most of us are immune to it, meaning we have it but it doesn't effect us, but some aren't. I don't remember who isn't. Anyways, we were sent here in an experiment to find a cure. I just wish you or Chuck or Thomas could remember me." I shook my head in frustration.
"Why?" Chuck asked.
"Why?" I repeated. "Because you were the only friends I've ever had. I met you when you were thirteen." I told Newt. "You were only a child." I said to Chuck. "You were my best friends. We were so close, especially Thomas. Speaking of which, where is he?"
"He's with Alby." Newt said. "But wait a second, we were all friends? Meaning we knew each other before this mess? And if you remember before the Glade then do you remember how to get out?" He asked.
"Yes, yes, and no." I replied. "They never told me how to get out of the maze, invade something like this were to happen. Now I'm going to see Thomas, Teresa please come." She stood up and we walked over too where Thomas was standing, near the Homestead, with Alby.
"Thomas!" I said.
"How do you know me?" He asked.
"Long story short, I still have my memory."
"I don't know and I'm really fed up wit all the questions. I, I mean we, want to speak to you. Alone." I nodded towards Alby.
"No way! I barely know you do you think I'm going to let you go off on your own?" Alby said.
"That's the problem."
"What?" He asked, puzzled.
"You don't barely know me. You know me very well and vise versa. You just forgot about that." I said. "Now, I need to speak to Thomas alone whether you like it or not." I grabbed Thomas by the wrist and dragged him off towards the Deadheads.
"Who are you?" He asked.
"I'm Ella, this is Teresa."
"How do you know me?" I sighed.
"Before the maze, we were friends. Best friends actually. You were always there for me and it was hard after you left. When you got sent up in the box. I never saw you because I stopped watching the cameras after Newt... well, you know. I just wish you all could remember me because then this wouldn't be nearly as bad as it is now."
"Is there a reason to all of this? I mean why they sent up two girls after three years of only boys?" Teresa asked.
"I'm not sure, I think it was to see how you would react. It's complicated."
"Is there a reason why they wiped out memories, leaving us with only our names?" He asked.
"So we could start clean. Form new relationships. I like the ones I had better. It's really sad because our names aren't really our names at all."
"What do you mean?" She asked.
"We're named after scientists and historical figures, nicknames they gave us when we arrived at WICKED."
"Isaac Newton, Mother Teresa, Thomas Edison, Charles Darwin."
"What does WICKED mean? Does it stand for something or are they just a bunch of wicked people?"
"It means World In Catastrophe Killzone Experiment Department I'm pretty sure."
"It's what they call your brain since the Flare eats your brain. The Flare is a disease that makes you go insane. It was highly contagious and we're in an experiment because they're trying to find a cure for it. It's not working too well." I sighed. "I think we should be heading back now." I pointed to the sky, "The artificial light is draining." Teresa laughed, "Ah... yes. It does look quite like a ceiling."
A/N: Well hello there I have nothing to put here so I'll just fill it with nonsense. Blah blah boo chika bow wow boom clap beep meep blah blah garbage. Picture is of young Gladers awh.

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