Chapter Eight: The Escape Plan

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The Gathering was held in the Homestead with all the Gladers, not just the Keepers.
"Get on with it." Alby said.
"So I have a plan. You're not gonna like it." I started.
"Oh I never like hearing those words," Minho muttered.
"It's basically suicide. Thomas told me about how the Grievers just jumped off the Cliff and disappeared."
"Will ya' get to the bloody point?" Newt asked, annoyed.
"I'm getting to that! Anyways, we need to go through it. Through the Griever Hole." An uproar of chattering escaped the mouths of distressed Gladers, causing my head to pound.
"That's totally insane! What if they kill us?" Frypan's asked.
"You want us to go into their home?" Chuck asked.
"Their way in could be our way out, Chuck. There's a computer in there where we enter the code and it shuts down the Grievers. The maze isn't supposed to be solved, it's supposed to be defeated." I told them.
"I know where I've seen you from!" Gally shouted and everyone went silent. "I've seen you before, in the Changing. You worked with them, made the maze. These Grievers are going to take one of us every night until it's over and we're all dead."
"Yeah, I mean, what if she's just trying to kill all of us?" Alby asked.
"I'm not!" I shouted. "If they're going to take one every night then we may as well use that to our advantage. And I think I know who should be the one they take."
"Yeah? Who is that?" Newt asked.
"Okay, you're just tired now, you should probably get some sleep while the Keepers talk about it. Let's go." He ushered me and the non-Keepers out of the room. When we went downstairs he grabbed my arm, looked me right in the eye and said, "You know what's funny?"
"What?" I asked.
"I actually believe you." He said. "You just don't have an ounce of lying in those eyes of yours. If you were put here to kill us I'm sure you do it already. And I can't believe I'm about to bloody say this but," he paused, "I'm about to go in there and convince those shanks to go through the Griever Hole, just like you said. If we do it, and that's a big if, you better do one thing for me."
"What's that?" I asked.
"Don't die." He replied, walking back up the stairs. It took the Keepers a long time to come to a conclusion but they eventually agreed. We were planning on going tomorrow night, before the Grievers could take many of people. So far everyone has been safe in the Homestead. We gathered every weapon and food and bottle of water we could find and made a plan to go out- with Thomas and Minho leading the way, of course. We slept through the night until there was a boom and they took Zart. It was unnerving for all of us. The next morning we spent preparing. We took copies of the maps and codes and tied them to bags of food, people's clothes, anything, so we wouldn't get lost of forget the code. By the time night rolled around we were all patiently waiting for the doors to open. All except Gally, of course.
"You're all going to die!" He kept saying.
"Shuck it Gally, we're going." Newt said. "Let's go!" He yelled.
"Wait, shouldn't someone give a pep talk or something?" Minho asked.
"Go ahead." He replied, stepping aside.
"Be careful," he said dryly, "don't die."
"Great, we're all bloody inspired." He said sarcastically. "Now you all know what you're getting yourselves into. Tonight we're making a stand against these Creators, tonight we're fighting no matter what it takes. Tonight the Grievers better be scared." And with that he ran into the maze as fast as his limped leg could take him.
We ran and ran and ran until our legs ached and our throats burned. We, fortunately, made it to the Cliff without encountering any Grievers. They were all waiting for us when we got there though. Six, I counted and probably more to come. We all charged and started stabbing the heck out of them. We managed to kill four and escape one before the others came. Four more, then six, then two, they all came rolling in. I took the knife I brought and stabbed ones neck. I saw Teresa and Chuck go into the Griever Hole and I prayed that they shut them down soon. Newt was battling off two, Minho one, Thomas two, Frypan one, Alby three. I went over to help Alby, leaving Winston and Clint with mine. We managed to kill it in fifteen minutes and around, I'd say, a hundred stabs. There was blood everywhere and we'd already lost eleven people. Forty-one down to thirty. And that thirty became twenty-nine when Alby decided to give up. Newt, Thomas, Minho, Frypan, Clint, Jeff, and some other Gladers were running towards the Griever Hole, jumping in. Newt barely made it but he did. Once we were all in I saw Teresa struggling with the code.
"It won't let me put the last word in!" She shouted. I heard the familiar whirr chick click sound that meant the Grievers were coming closer. Push, the last word.
"Why don't you just push the red button?" Newt suggested, pointing to a red button that said 'Kill the Maze'. Chuck pushed it and everything went black. The only thing I could remember was waking up in a dark room. I heard others breathing so I knew I wasn't alone. I stood up and looked around aimlessly as my eyes adjusted to the dim light. We were in some sort of control room... a lab of sorts. There were computers showing the Glade, probably camera from the beetle blades, and operation tables.
"Hello, subjects." A woman's voice said. "My name is Ava Paige. You have successfully completed the Maze Trials."
"So this was an experiment? You were watching us... the whole bloody time?" Newt asked.
"Oh yes, Newton, but be assured it was for a very great cause." She responded.
"And what might that shucking cause be?" He growled.
"To cure the world of the Flare. It's a deadly disease that attacks the brain and makes you slowly go insane."
"How does erasing our memories and sending us up to some unknown destination in a box cure a disease?" Minho asked.
"It's all in the logic." Ava Paige said. "Now we will be taking the girls away from you."
"No!" Newt and Thomas shouted at the same time.
"You can't take them away! They're our... friends." Newt told her.
"And that's exactly the reason. Come with me, girls, and no one will die. You will be reunited sometime in the foreseeable future." I walked towards her and Teresa followed hesitantly. We walked down a winding corridor and she left us in a white room. Teresa sat in the corner with her eyes squeezed shut.
"Why do you do that?" I asked.
"I'm talking to Thomas."
"We're telepathic."
"Sorry." She said. When I looked at her with a puzzled look on my face she continued, "For yelling. I didn't mean to."
"It's okay."
A/N: Wow this one was kind of short too, um, well I hope you enjoyed it. I kinda crammed like five chapters into one. I have a couple things to talk about.
1) I will now be posting 1 time during the week and 2 during the weekends. I might not stick to this its just the outline schedule of when I will post so you can look forward to that. This starts next week.
2) Please leave comments. You all have decided to read this and I just want you to comment so I can know what to fix.
3) wow. I know I only have one follower and like seventh reads but in my opinion that's a lot. Seventy plus people have decided to read my fanfic and I think that's amazing.

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