Chapter 9: 2nd April

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I don't own naruto. Enjoy~

The next day after the firework incident, it is  2nd april a.k.a. someone's birthday. Sakura wakes up unexpectedly early, considering how she's a late riser. She jumps down the stairs and enters the kitchen to see the two available members except for her parents.

"What's up with today danna? Saku-chan is up so early un." Deidara pushes the puppet master beside him. "Maybe saku finally realise that 'the early bird catches the worm'." Sasori answers with a shrug. "What's that with the bird and worm un? I don't understand!" "That's because you're stupid." "DANNA UN!!"

"Wrong,  wrong, wrong! You guys are wrong nii-san!" Sakura who has been listening to their conversation the whole time, manage to stop deidara from bombing sasori up. "Oh? Then what is?" Sasori rests his head on his left hand. "I am going to bake today! A delicious cake!" The guys sweat dropped and look at each other. "What day is today, danna? Why is saku-chan baking a cake today un?" "Don't ask me, i don't know too." Sakura sweat dropped. "Wait, you guys don't know what day today is?" Sakura ask in awe. 'Seriously, they don't know?'

"Well, today is someone's birthday, right?" Konan walks into the kitchen in search for some food. "Birthday? Un... meant him?!" Deidara looks at sasori. "Oh...that him huh?" Sasori smirks. 'So you guys finally remember huh?' Sakura rolls her eyes. "Yeah, it's his birthday." (Well, at least we know that it isn't konan, deidara and sasori's birthday)

"So, i am going to start baking ok?" Sakura opens the cupboard in search of the ingredients. "Saku un, call us if you need help." "Deidara, you know that sakura is capable of baking on her own." "Danna, i meant the other 'help' *wink wink"

Sakura just started putting in the main ingredients on the table when tobi comes in. "Saku-chan, what are you doing?" "Erm, baking?" Sakura is too busy that she didn't even spare a glance at him. "Ow! Tobi wants to help! Tobi will do anything because tobi is a good boy!" Sakura jerks up. She remembers itachi telling her that letting tobi in the kitchen is a big no no. But tobi begins clinging on sakura and threathens her that he will swallow the ingredients if she doesn't allow him to help.

"Alright, tobi nii, you can help. But make sure you behave ok? Or not i am going to tell everyone that tobi nii had been a bad boy." Sakura's threat obviously didn't have any effect on tobi because the next moment sakura asks him to pour half a bag of sugar into the mixing bowl, he ended up pouring the whole bag into the bowl. "Oops..." tobi covers the part of the mask that represent his mouth. Sakura opens her mouth and closes it again. Staying with this 'kids' actually help train her tolerance and patience.

Deidara and sasori looks over at them when they didn't hear any sound coming from the baking duo. "What's wrong?" Sakura was about to shake her head and say that everything is alright when tobi beats her to it. "Tobi put in the whole bag of sugar when tobi was supposed to put in half of it. Sorry saku-chan. Tobi was a bad boy *sniff sniff" deidara and sasori shot dead glare at tobi. "Nah, it's alright. Tobi nii is still a good boy."

"You're lucky that the person beside you is saku-chan, tobi un. If it is me, i would blow you up, danna will add you to his puppet collection, kisame would have cut you to strips, zetsu will just swallow you, kakuzu will trade you in for cash, leader-sama will shinra tensei you, and -"

"Deidara nii, it's alright, i don't mind." Sakura smiles at her brothers. "Fine then un." They went back to their respective task.

~time skip~

Members of the akatsuki are starting to come back to the base. It turns up that a lot of people forgot about someone's birthday.

"Hey, what in the world are you guys doing?" Zetsu asked when he saw sakura dragging 2 art masters who are mumbling angrily to decorate the living room. "Well, it's someone's birthday today." Zetsu lets out a frown. "Huh? There is? I don't remember anyone having their birthday today." Sakura can only rolls her eyes when zetsu saw the name on the banner. "Oh, him." "Now that you realise, come and help with the decoration nii-san."

"Hey, what's with the setup?" Kisame raises an eyebrow. Sakura grunts as she explains all over again. "Ok... but i bet itachi also forgot about 'his' birthday. So, you gotta explain for the nth time today." "I will just ignore him if he asks..." luckily for sakura, the uchiha remembers that today is someone's birthday. "Great. No need to explain anymore..." (at least we know that it's not the artistic duo, tobi, zetsu, itachi, konan and kisame's birthday. And it definitely won't be pein's.)

"What... how much money did you wasted for this again, saku?" All of them turns toward the entrance of the living room. "Kakuzu nii!" "Oi! The f*ck you f*cking f*cktards are doing?!" Konan growls under her breath. 'If only it wasn't his birthday today. If only...' konan muttered. (Yeah! It's the jashinist's birthday).

"What's with all the blood red colour ribbons? Waiting for me to sacrifice them to jashin-sama" he clutches on one of the ribbon. "Oi! Saku-chan hung them up for you un. Don't you dare destroy all the hard work un!" The jashinist obviously forgot that today is his birthday because of the confuse look on his face. 'Gosh, my nii-sans sure are bad at remembering things.' Sakura sighs.

After lots of explaining and lots of convincing (apparently, hidan thought this is all a prank to stop him from praying to his jashin-sama) and lots of angry orders from konan (to pein, because he doesn't want to leave the half finished paperwork), everyone finally gathers at the dining table and enjoy the super sweet cake (which made hidan yells "f*ck!" and pein almost shinra tensei-ed the cake away. In the end, itachi amaterasu-ed the cake, much to tobi's dismay).

The presents that hidan received are also not to his liking. Zetsu just randomly picked a pot of plant from his garden and gave it to him. Kakuzu gave him a small amount of ryo. Kisame gave him a fish, which hidan swears to sacrifice it to jashin-sama. Tobi gave him a lollipop, which ended up being shoved into tobi's mouth. Konan gave him a bouquet of paper flowers. Pein promised to give him a mission which include violently killing people to sacrifice them to his jashin-sama. Itachi gave him a book, which hidan swears to return it to itachi's room when itachi isn't aware. Sasori wanted to give hidan one of his older puppet, which hidan 'politely' refused. Deidara gave him a clay statue of hidan, that exploded in hidan's hands. Well, the day ended with a fight as usual.

"You freaking f*cktard!!!"

End of another chapter~ i have been so busy since school reopened. Hope you guys enjoyed. Till the next time~

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