Chapter 23: Let the fight begins

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Hey guys, i don't own naruto and hope you guys will stay with me till the end of this chapter, kay?

"Sakura-chan!" Naruto's voice pierce the tense atmosphere as the kids scramble to sakura's side. "Kami nee-sama!" Sakura bends down and brushes the sweat off one the child's face, eyes still not leaving the konoha ninjas. "Tai-kun, i need you to do a favour for me." Without waiting for his response, she continues. "I want you to get all of the kids out of here, do you understand?" Tai nods and begins to usher the younger children away from the scene and muttering a soft "be careful, sakura nee-chan..." before going away too.

Sakura smiles at the children's retreating forms. She loves each and every of the occupants in amegakure and she swore that she wouldn't let anything happens to them. "So, you're now being referred to as kami, huh?"

She returns her gaze back to the lone survivor of the uchiha clan. "What makes you think that you're kami, when you're so weak, so worthless and useless. You're just a trash." Sakura didn't even flinch at the uchiha's statement. Well, since she has returned to amegakure, acting time's over.

"Well, well uchiha, are you sure about me being weak and worthless? I think you have spoken to the wrong person about being useless. Besides, it wasn't me who ordered them to call me that, they are the one who called me that on their on accord." She smirks at him.

"Oh sakura, i am sure i am speaking to right person. So, where did all the 'sasuke-kun' went to? How i miss hearing them." "Well, to your disappointment, it's all just an act." Sakura taps her foot on the ground impatiently.

"An act, forehead?! All those times we spent together, all those bonds we formed together, those were just an act?" Ino shrieks in awe. She can't believe it. Her best friend was the most loyal person she ever saw, and now she has betrayed the village and her friends. Seriously, is there still any humanity left in this world?!

"Everything about me, you motherf*cking pig, is just an act. Everything about me that you thought you knew, is fake!" Sakura smiles in triumphant. "Who do you think stolen the scrolls that you can't seem to find, tsunade-sama? Who do you think all of those secret agents you sent out was killed by? Who do you think did those? Me! It was me!" Sakura laugh maniacally.

"I-i believed in you, sakura, i-i-" disappointment and sadness are visible on the 5th hokage's face. "Sakura-chan... was it really just an act? All those time that we spent together?" Naruto's fist are shaking.

"Well, not exactly. I actually enjoyed some of the moments with you guys. For example, playing shogi and watching the clouds with shikamaru, having an eating competition with choji and naruto, talking to hinata, actually there's a lot more." Sakura frowns at the  thought. "Then, why? Sakura-chan, why did you do this to all of us?" Naruto growls at sakura and she feels her anger rises.

"Why, you asked. Why? Because you f*cking people killed my family! My Otou-san! Okaa-san! Nii-san! They are all dead in your hands! You cut away my only source of comfort, my only source of happiness! And you guys were saying about how i don't know the feelings of losing someone i love? F*ck! Each time the news of their death reach me, my heart shatters more and more!"

"Haruno, don't you dare speak like you're the only one whose family's dead." Neji tries to speak as calmly as possible, but failed miserably.

"I know all of you have family members whom you love dearly that is now buried six-feet underground, but, as a child who shouldn't be born. Don't give that look hatake, i am an accident. My birth parents didn't want me alive, they wanted to end my life. If it wasn't for the akatsuki, i wouldn't be standing here, in front of you. From the very day the akatsuki keep me under their wings, i swore to myself that i would gladly give up my life to safe them and i will hunt down their killers."

"So that makes us your opponents, huh, sakura?" Kakashi lazily slides up the forehead protector covering his left eye as gai goes into his fighting stance.

"Hmm....guess so" sakura smirks at them.

"Mangekyo sharingan!"



"Twin rising dragons!"


"Multi-size jutsu!"

"Mind transformation jutsu!"

"How troublesome... Shadow imitation jutsu!"

"Leaf great whrilwind!"

"Leaf strong whrilwind!"

Sai begins using his super beast imitating drawing as tsunade begins to punch the ground, hard, of course, after asking the fellow konoha ninjas to dodge.

'Eh? Wanting to end this fast huh?' Sakura notes herself smirking again. 'Well, i am ready than ever.' Her lilac eyes sending malevolent glances at the ninjas in front of her.

"Come at me."

Cliffhanger! I hate it, but yeah... this chapter's definitely my shortest. Guys, there's something i would like to say that will make some of you disappointed. I don't know how to right fight scenes, seriously, i have never written one before. I didn't even watch each and every episodes of naruto. I just slightly get the idea from watching other authors' fics about sakura joining akatsuki and by flipping through some real important manga episodes that involve the akatsuki. Heck, you guys wouldn't even guess out how long i spent trying to find out those guys' jutsus! So, sad to say, but i consider not writing how the fight's going on. So if you see that the fight's over at the beginning of the next chapter, don't kill me, ok? Since i warned you? Anyway, sorry again and hope you enjoyed. Till the next time T.T

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